Lageplan Standort A, Pulvermühlestrasse 57, 7000 Chur

Kurt Casutt

Techniker HF

Project leader

Computer Sciences


+41 81 286 24 73


Kurt Casutt started working on the Evento and IT Service project in April 2006

Kurt Casutt completed an apprenticeship as an electrician and then worked for the company for several years. El.-Ing. A. Gisler office in Chur. After several months of language study in the USA, he began his training as a TS electrical engineer at IBZ Sargans.

After graduation, he spent a year in Thailand, Australia and New Zealand and then returned to Switzerland. He worked as an electrical engineer at Altecno AG in Chur and trained as a HF IT technician at the IBW in Chur.

A language stay in Lausanne complemented his further education.

Curriculum Vitae

Kurt Casutt started working on the Evento and IT Service project in April 2006

Kurt Casutt completed an apprenticeship as an electrician and then worked for the company for several years. El.-Ing. A. Gisler office in Chur. After several months of language study in the USA, he began his training as a TS electrical engineer at IBZ Sargans.

After graduation, he spent a year in Thailand, Australia and New Zealand and then returned to Switzerland. He worked as an electrical engineer at Altecno AG in Chur and trained as a HF IT technician at the IBW in Chur.

A language stay in Lausanne complemented his further education.

Lageplan Standort A, Pulvermühlestrasse 57, 7000 Chur
Lageplan Standort A, Pulvermühlestrasse 57, 7000 Chur

Location A

Pulvermühlestrasse 57
7000 Chur Google Maps