University Council, University Executive Board, employees
University Council

University Council

The University Council is the strategic management and control body of University of Applied Sciences of the Grisons and comprises seven members. The President, Jürg Kessler, participates in the University Council meetings as a guest.


  • Brigitta M. Gadient, President of the University Council
  • Enrico Lardelli
  • Andrea Masüger
  • Hermann Mettler
  • Achim Ott
  • Rita Stöckli
  • Martin Vincenz
Portrait Brigitta M. Gadient
'As an independent university of applied sciences, we can more quickly transform the needs of students, business and society into innovative study programmes.'
Brigitta M. Gadient, President of the University Council
University Executive Board

University Executive Board


  • Jürg Kessler, Prof. dipl. Ing. ETH, lic. oec.publ., President
  • Martin Studer, Prof. dipl. IT-Ing. ETH, Prorector
  • Arno Arpagaus, Industrial Engineer FH, EMBA, Director of Administration
  • Bruno Studer, Prof. Dr. phil. II, Dipl. El.-Ing. ETH, NDS BWI, Director of Department Applied Future Technologies
  • Josef Walker, Prof. lic. rer. pol. et dipl. chem., Director of Department Entrepreneurial Management
  • Ulrike Zika, Prof. Dr. sc. nat., Director of Departement Alpine Region Development
Alle Hochschulleitungsmitglieder der FH Graubünden
From left to right: Martin Studer, Bruno Studer, Josef Walker, Ulrike Zika, Jürg Kessler, Arno Arpagaus


We are stronger together! This is true both in our day-to-day working environment and in our endeavours to achieve our goals. We can only fulfil our vision with satisfied, targeted and independent employees who show each other mutual respect. Team spirit is therefore at the heart of the activities we perform in fulfilling our fourfold performance mandate and is developed continuously.


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Lecturer, Head of institute
Member of the university executive board
Lecturer, Member of the university executive board
Lecturer, Head of section
Lecturer, Head of section, Project leader, Research project leader
Member of the project team
Organisational assistant
Lecturer, Director of studies
Organisational assistant
Lecturer, Director of studies
Lecturer, Director of studies
Lecturer, Head of institute
Member of the project team
Head of division
Director of studies
Organisational assistant
Member of the university executive board
Director of studies
Research project leader, Lecturer
Member of the project team
Member of the university executive board
Lecturer, Director of studies
Member of the project team
Member of the project team
Organisational assistant
Director of studies
Director of studies
Lecturer, Director of studies
Lecturer, Research project leader
Member of the project team, Project leader
Lecturer, Research project leader
Research project leader
Organisational assistant
Lecturer, Project leader
Head of institute, Director of studies
Lecturer, Head of research
Lecturer, Project leader
Research project leader
Lecturer, Research project leader
Research associate
Research associate
Organisational assistant
Lecturer, Research project leader
Project leader, Lecturer
Lecturer, Head of institute
Member of the university executive board
Member of the project team
Project leader, Research associate
Organisational assistant
Information & Documentation Expert
Member of the project team
Lecturer, Head of research
Lecturer, Project leader
Head of institute, Director of studies
Research associate
Organisational assistant
Lecturer, Head of research
Member of the project team
Research associate
Lecturer, Research associate
Member of the project team
Organisational assistant
Director of studies, Lecturer
Director of studies, Head of institute
Lecturer, Head of section
Director of studies, Lecturer
Research associate
Lecturer, Head of research, Research project leader
Research project leader
Research associate
Research associate
Research project leader
Member of the project team
Lecturer, Director of studies
Research associate, Research project leader
Member of the university executive board
Lecturer, Research project leader
Research associate
Research associate
Research associate
Research associate
Member of the project team
Research project leader
Research project leader
Organisational assistant, Member of the project team
Research associate
Research associate
Research associate
Member of the project team
Member of the project team
Research project leader
Organisational assistant
Research associate
Organisational assistant
Research project leader
Research project leader
Research associate
Research associate
Information & Documentation Expert
Research associate
Member of the project team
Research associate
Member of the project team
Research associate
Organisational assistant
Member of the project team
Member of the project team
Member of the project team
Research associate
Member of the project team
Research associate
Research associate
Research associate
Research associate
Organisational assistant
Member of the project team
Research associate
Organisational assistant
Lecturer, Project leader
Research associate
Research associate
Research associate