Prof. Dr. habil. Ralf-Peter Mundani
Prof. PD Dr. rer. nat. habil.
Swiss Institute for Information Science (SII), Institute for Data Analysis, Artificial Intelligence, Visualization, and Simulation (DAViS)
+41 81 286 38 50
simulation, Parallelization, numerical algorithms, Sustainability assessment, High performance computing, Data Science
Computational and Data Science, MSc Data Visualization
Ralf-Peter Mundani joined the Institute for Data Analytics, Artificial Intelligence, Visualisation, and Simulation (DAViS) as lecturer at October 16th, 2019.
He graduated in computer science at TUM (2000) and got his Ph.D. (title “Hierarchical geometric models for the embedding of distributed simulation tasks”) in 2005 from the University of Stuttgart, Germany. In 2014, he finished his state doctorate (Habilitation) in computer science at TUM with the title “Interaction in high-performance computing scenarios” and was appointed as adjunct teaching professor in the same year. Furthermore, he was director of the Centre for Simulation Technology in Engineering at TUM (since 2007) and he also headed the research group ‘Efficient Algorithms’ at the chair for Computation in Engineering at TUM (since 2009). In 2011, he stayed for half a year as visiting professor at the CEMSE Division at King Abdullah University of Science and Technology (KAUST), Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.
His research interests are in the field of high-performance computing, parallel (numerical) algorithms, modelling and simulation, interactive visual data exploration, and data science. He has co-authored and headed many research proposals on national and international level from which numerous publications in international peer reviewed journals, book chapters, and peer reviewed proceedings have evolved. He also headed several international educational projects funded by the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) and the European Commission (EU-TEMPUS).
Curriculum Vitae
Ralf-Peter Mundani joined the Institute for Data Analytics, Artificial Intelligence, Visualisation, and Simulation (DAViS) as lecturer at October 16th, 2019.
He graduated in computer science at TUM (2000) and got his Ph.D. (title “Hierarchical geometric models for the embedding of distributed simulation tasks”) in 2005 from the University of Stuttgart, Germany. In 2014, he finished his state doctorate (Habilitation) in computer science at TUM with the title “Interaction in high-performance computing scenarios” and was appointed as adjunct teaching professor in the same year. Furthermore, he was director of the Centre for Simulation Technology in Engineering at TUM (since 2007) and he also headed the research group ‘Efficient Algorithms’ at the chair for Computation in Engineering at TUM (since 2009). In 2011, he stayed for half a year as visiting professor at the CEMSE Division at King Abdullah University of Science and Technology (KAUST), Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.
His research interests are in the field of high-performance computing, parallel (numerical) algorithms, modelling and simulation, interactive visual data exploration, and data science. He has co-authored and headed many research proposals on national and international level from which numerous publications in international peer reviewed journals, book chapters, and peer reviewed proceedings have evolved. He also headed several international educational projects funded by the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) and the European Commission (EU-TEMPUS).