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(2022): Applied Tourism Intelligence (Einblicke in die Forschung). Available online at https://www.fhgr.ch/fileadmin/publikationen/forschungsbericht/fhgr-Einblicke_in_die_Forschung_2022.pdf, last checked on 19.05.2022
Abstract: Basierend auf Analysen von Über- und Unterkapazitäten zu gewissen Zeitpunkten an unterschiedlichen Standorten werden Prognosemodelle erstellt und die Kapazität entsprechend gesteuert. Dadurch sollen der Ertrag für touristische Leistungsträger sowie das Gästeerlebnis gesteigert werden.
(2022): An Exploration of the Service Innovation Gap in Swiss Tourism. Poster. 75th Annual International CHRIE Summer Conference. International Council on Hotel, Restaurant, and Institutional Education. Washington, 4. August, 2022
Abstract: The pressure to innovate in the tourism industry is increasing. Increasing global competition, new challenges and opportunities in the field of digitalisation as well as the dynamic development of society challenge the players in the tourism industry to increase the competitiveness of their own company and the destination. The tourism industry differs from other industries in the tertiary sector in particular in that it is highly fragmented. This results in the necessity of coordinating heterogeneous providers for the provision of services to guests. The Swiss tourism industry is dominated by small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), which often face numerous challenges in terms of the commercial exploitation of products or the implementation of ideas. This limited ability not only to generate new ideas, but also to implement them, will be referred to as the "Service Innovation Gap". In our poster, we describe the procedure of an explorative study in the Swiss context with the aim of exploring and better understanding the Service Innovation Gap. Furthermore, we aim to identify success factors for the resource-efficient implementation of innovations in tourism SMEs in an action research approach together with the stakeholders.
(2022): Robotik in der Hotellerie. Studie zum Innotour-Projekt «Robotik in der Hotellerie». Chur. Available online at https://www.fhgr.ch/fh-graubuenden/entwicklung-im-alpinen-raum/institut-fuer-tourismus-und-freizeit-itf/projekte/robotik-in-der-hotellerie/, last checked on 28.04.2022
Abstract: HotellerieSuisse hat mit finanzieller Unterstützung des Staatssekretariats für Wirtschaft SECO im Rahmen der Digitalisierung und Innovation das Innotour-Projekt «Robotik in der Hotellerie» realisiert, um die Möglichkeiten und Chancen für die Branche zu untersuchen. Die FH Graubünden analysierte, inwiefern die Roboter sinnvoll eingesetzt werden, in welchen Bereichen sie vor allem unterstützen können und wie die neue Technologie bei Gästen und Mitarbeitenden ankommt. Neben Pepper im Opera Hotel in Zürich war mit Cruzr ein zweites Modell im Hotel Allegra Lodge in Zürich in einer Pilotphase im Einsatz.
(2020) : Open Innovation in Sports Management. The Case of the FIFA Museum in Zurich, Switzerland In: Ratten, Vanessa: Sport Entrepreneurship: An Economic, Social, and Sustainability Perspective: Bingley: Emerald Publishing Limited, S. 43-53
Abstract: The FIFA Museum in Zurich is a division of the Fédération Internationale de Football Association (FIFA) and has been opened in 2016 with the aspiration to become one of the key attractions, both in Zurich as well as in the association football context. As with many tourist attractions, staying on top of the game is a challenge. Unlike other museums, the FIFA Museum took an open innovation approach in developing their concept, especially for those parts that deal with visitor interactions. With the goal of being not only a football museum, but also an attractive and leading event location in Switzerland, event ideas were collected using a crowdsourcing approach, managed through a platform run by ATIZO. Through this community, the museum could design attractive event concepts, succeeded to increase visitor engagement and built a loyal base of innovators and future guests. This chapter describes the crowdsourcing methodology applied by the FIFA Museum, critically examines the process, advantages, and disadvantages of the methodology chosen, and concludes by giving recommendations for similar cases. The particular focus lies on the application of the crowdsourcing method in areas where a strong fan community can be involved in the development process, such as, e.g., in the association football context.
(2020): Wenn der Wind der Veränderung weht. In: Südostschweiz am Wochenende. Beilage Südostschweizjobs.ch, 2020. Available online at https://www.suedostschweizjobs.ch/ratgeber/arbeit/wenn-der-wind-der-veraenderung-weht
Abstract: Die touristische Unternehmensentwicklung wird in Zukunft verstärkt durch Kundenbedürfnisse geprägt sein. Überzeugen werden innovative Unternehmerinnen und Unternehmer, denen es gelingt, mit den zur Verfügung stehenden Ressourcen die Bedürfnisse ihrer Kundschaft auf neue Art und Weise zu befriedigen.
(2018): Service Innovation im «Age of Customer». In: Wissensplatz. Available online at https://www.fhgr.ch/fhgr/medien-und-oeffentlichkeit/publikationen/wissensplatz/februar-2018/, last checked on 07.12.2018
Abstract: Steigender Wettbewerb, Digitalisierung, gesellschaftliche Entwicklungen: Der Innovationsdruck in der Tourismus- und Dienstleistungsbranche steigt. Es ist an der Zeit, gemeinsam mit Kundinnen und Kunden unter realistischen Bedingungen im Labor effizient und zielgenau innovative Dienstleistungen und optimale Prozesse zu entwickeln.
(2012): Marketing strategy improvement to enhance a small company's performance in a short and volatile season. The case of the Sailing School Davos (SSD). Bachelorarbeit Tourismus. Hochschule für Technik und Wirtschaft HTW Chur, Chur. Institut für Tourismus und Freizeit (ITF).
Abstract: Since tourism industry is highly influenced by seasonal and environmental factors, it is of utmost importance to plan this short period of time to run a business as profitable as possible. Every summer the Sailing School Davos faces the challenge to work as economically as possible, since the season is very short because the lake Davos is drained from the end of September to mid of June. On top of the very short season the business is strongly affected by the natural, meteorological and economical conditions. The aim of this bachelor thesis is to assess the current state of the Sailing School Davos, based on portfolio analysis to get an overview of the company as well as an environmental analysis with appropriate tools. The results of this thesis are strategic approaches to mitigate the effects of the volatile demand caused by the seasonality. Further these findings allow a simple and realistic implementation to bridge the summer season in a winter destination, since the Sailing School Davos is rather a summer activity, than a full time job.