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(2022) : Innovation versus Qualitätsmanagement. Gegensatz oder Sicherstellung der Weiterentwicklung einer Hochschule? In: Reinbacher, Paul: Qualitätsmanagement in der Krise?: Paradoxien, Probleme und Perspektiven im Universitäts- und Hochschulbetrieb: Weinheim: Beltz Verlagsgruppe, S. 291-304
(2021): Verschmelzung von digitalen und analogen Lehr- und Lernformaten. In: Wissensplatz, S. 6-8. Available online at https://www.fhgr.ch/fhgr/medien-und-oeffentlichkeit/publikationen/wissensplatz/september-2021/, last checked on 10.09.2021
Abstract: Vor der Pandemie galt als Herausforderung für die Lehre die Digitalisierung. Für die Rückkehr in die Präsenzlehre nach der Corona-Zeit stellen sich für die Fachhochschule Graubünden neue Fragen: Welche Teile der digitalen Lehre sollen auch weiterhin in der Präsenzlehre Anwendung finden? Und welche Aspekte sollten berücksichtigt werden bei der Integration von analoger und digitaler Lehre? Dieser Beitrag zeigt, dass die Herausforderung eine Verschmelzung der beiden Formen sein wird.
(2017): Internationalization and the Intercultural Aspects of Virtual Cross-Border Learning. 29th IABD Annual Conference. International Academy of Business Disciplines. New Orleans, 6. - 8. April, 2017
Abstract: The results of an ongoing, three-year assessment (2014-2016) of a Blended Learning International Collaboration project are presented. The presentation describes a qualitative case study of staff and student learning outcomes for two courses which have used a case approach to collaborative cross-border teaching. Teams of EKU students took the “macro” strategic perspective while a parallel set of three to five DHBW student teams took the “micro” perspective, making recommendations on how human resource practices should be designed to best fit the strategic intent of the firms. Student feedback is combined with a narrative of ongoing “lessons learned”. The authors present four major potential sources of variation. The findings underline the importance of assessing, accounting for and hopefully minimizing the total sources of variance in order to maximize the potential for learning by the two groups.
(2017) : Digitale Reifeprozesse In: Neusius, Andrea: Biografien 4.0?!: (Aus)Bildung, Arbeit und Organisationsentwicklung im Wandel gestalten: (Aus)Bildungskongresses der Bundeswehr: Hamburg, 12. - 14. September: Hamburg: Helmut-Schmidt-Universität
(2009): Learning Alliances: yay or nay?. In: EAIE Forum, S. 24-25
Abstract: Global competition has caused organisations to pay closer the attention to the competitive advantage of know-how and competencies of people. Only organisations which invest in effective and efficient training activities can profit in a sustainable way from the competence development oftheir human resources.
(2007): The corporate university landscape in Germany. In: Journal of Workplace Learning 19, S. 109-123. Available online at https://doi.org/10.1108/13665620710728484, last checked on 02.09.2021
Abstract: Purpose: The paper seeks first to present an overview of the corporate university landscape in Germany contrasting it with the US‐American corporate university market and, second, to outline the development in Germany during the last 15 years and to have a look at future trends such as learning alliances. Design/methodology/approach: The comparison in the paper is based on empirical data of the largest corporate universities in the USA and Germany gathered by interviews with the heads of the institutions and by evaluations of data such as homepages, brochures, and presentations by the companies. In addition, reference is made to surveys and case studies published by other researchers. Findings: The paper works out major differences between Germany and the USA regarding the educational level, target groups, strategic directions, partnerships, alliances with external vendors, accreditation, focus on internal versus external job market, and organisation that can be led back to the stronger strategic orientation of German corporate universities. It presents the business model of a learning alliance as a potential solution to the major challenges German corporate universities are facing. Research limitations/implications: Research data being based on interviews and corporate data risk being biased due to marketing purposes. Future research should include internal observations and evaluations. Practical implications: The paper gives an example for a learning alliance in practice that could be of relevance for a larger number of institutions. Originality/value: The comparative study helps to understand the US‐American and German corporate university markets as well as their specificities and investigates future developments.
(1995) : Der internationale Personaleinsatz In: Domsch, Michel; Regnet, Erika; Rosenstiel, Lutz von (Hg.): Führung von Mitarbeitern: Handbuch für erfolgreiches Personalmanagement: Stuttgart: Schäffer-Poeschel (USW-Schriften für Führungskräfte), S. 475-484
(1992): Interkulturelle Mitarbeiterführung: Ueberlegungen und Konsequenzen für das internationale Personalmanagement. Der Einfluss von Kultur auf interkulturelle Mitarbeiter: eine empirische Untersuchung in Brasilien und China. Zugl. Diss., Universität der Bundeswehr Hamburg, 1991. Stuttgart: M&P Verlag für Wissenschaft und Forschung
(1992): Active labour market policy. Enterprise management's contribution. Genf (Management Development Papers). Available online at https://ilo.primo.exlibrisgroup.com/permalink/41ILO_INST/1jaulmn/alma992910773402676, last checked on 02.09.2021
Abstract: Discusses the establishment of Employment Promotion and Qualification Companies (EPQCs) in the former East Germany as a measure to facilitate the transition to a market economy. Includes four regional and sectoral case studies of the implementation of EPQCs. Considers the implications of the German experience for Eastern Europe.
(1991): Managing the Global Manager. Predeparture Training and Development for German Expatriates in China and Brazil. In: Journal of Management Development 10, S. 41-52. DOI: 10.1108/EUM0000000001383
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1108/EUM0000000001383 Abstract: While foreign trade and joint ventures between Germany and the People′s Republic of China and Brazil have grown considerably, many of the attempts at economic co‐operation have collapsed. One major explanation can be attributed to cultural differences between German expatriate managers and their local subordinates. Therefore predeparture training and development becomes more significant. This study investigates the extent and significance of predeparture training and development for expatriates in China and Brazil in German companies. When, how often and which strategies are used to prepare the expatriate for his/her assignment in an effective and efficient way? It raises some important questions on the appropriate strategy in international human resource management.
(1990): In search of appropriate management transfer. Leadership style of West German expatriate managers in the People's Republic of China. In: International Journal of Human Resource Management 1, S. 73-86. Available online at https://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&db=buh&AN=5802182&site=ehost-live, last checked on 02.09.2021
Abstract: This paper examines the leadership style of expatriate managers from West Germany in China. Since the opening of China to the West, business interest in Germany has increased significantly in China. Based on this study, there are significant differences between the cultural values of West German expatriate managers and their Chinese subordinates. The Chinese are more convinced of authoritarian values, believe more in values of the traditional family and tend more than West Germans to independence. Various differences regarding expectations about leadership style are also discussed.