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(2022): Neue Plattformen – neue Bedürfnisse - neue audiovisuelle Inhalte?. Herausforderungen für den Service public im Umgang mit jungen Zielgruppen. SGKM-Jahrestagung. Schweizerische Gesellschaft für Kommunikations- und Medienwissenschaft. Zürich, 22. April, 2022
(2021): ‘Shoulda, Coulda, Woulda’. Young Swiss audiences’ attitudes, expectations and evaluations of audiovisual news and information content and the implications for public service television. In: Critical Studies in Television: The International Journal of Television Studies 16, S. 110-125. Available online at https://doi.org/10.1177/1749602021998238, last checked on 18.02.2023
Abstract: Public service media (PSM) are still seen in most European countries as a core means of informing citizens of all ages. Nevertheless, PSM struggle to reach young audiences, who are often characterised as news-avoidant or news-deprived. This article asks what meaning the news and information offered by PSM have for young people. The qualitative study describes young people’s attitudes and expectations regarding audiovisual news and information content through observation of their media usage habits in an experimental setting. It provides insights regarding how young people find and select news in today’s digital media environment and highlights opportunities for PSM providers to reach and engage with young audiences more effectively.
(2021): Nur hinterher oder vorneweg?. Plattformstrategien öffentlicher Medien im Spannungsfeld von Adaption und Innovation. Dreiländertagung für Kommunikationswissenschaft (DACH 21). Universität Zürich. Institut für Kommunikationswissenschaft und Medienforschung. Zürich, 9. April, 2021
Abstract: Der geplante «Science Meets Practice» Workshop widmet sich den Plattformstrategien öffentlicher Medienanbieter im deutschsprachigen Raum und den damit verbundenen Herausforderungen und Zielsetzungen. Die digitalen Technologien des Internets ermöglichen es, Inhalte überall und zu jeder Zeit zu nutzen, ohne die Einschränkungen des linearen Fernsehprogramms. Das Internetzeitalter ist entsprechend durch eine «On-Demand-Kultur» geprägt, welche die Kontrolle über audiovisuelle Inhalte in Teilen von den Rundfunk- und Fernsehnetzwerken auf die Zuschauer überträgt und individualisierte, personalisierte Sehgewohnheiten möglich macht (EMEK, 2020; Evens & Donders, 2018; Johnson, 2019). Auch öffentliche Rundfunkanbieter versuchen sich zunehmend von der «supply orientation» der Broadcast-Ära zu lösen und ihre Angebote auch für «on demand services» zu optimieren, um den Bedürfnissen des Publikums gerecht zu werden (Just et al., 2017; Lowe & Bardoel, 2007). In der Zwischenzeit drängen immer neue kommerzielle Plattformen mit neuen Businessmodellen auf den Markt (bspw. Joyn oder Disney), welche den Wettbewerb um die Aufmerksamkeit des Publikums weiter verschärfen. Im Zuge dieser Entwicklungen kommt es auf Unternehmensebene immer mehr zu einer Integration von Inhalten und Distributionsinfrastrukturen (Evens & Donders, 2018). Trotz dieser Herausforderungen des veränderten Medienumfelds, möchte jeder Akteur der Wertschöpfungskette von «Online-TV» (Johnson, 2019) eine eigene Plattform etablieren, um zum zentralen Zugangsweg für sein Publikum für audiovisuelle Inhalte zu werden (Evens & Donders, 2018). Mit unterschiedlichen Perspektiven diskutieren PraktikerInnen und WissenschaftlerInnen sich hieraus ergebende Fragen für öffentliche Medienanbieter: Was bedeuten die skizzierten Entwicklungen für öffentliche Medienhäuser? Welche Strategien verfolgen öffentliche Medienanbieter der DACH-Region mit ihren jeweiligen Plattformen und «On-Demand-Angeboten»? Welche Leitbilder, Visionen haben diese öffentlichen Medienhäuser in Bezug auf ihre eigenen Plattformen und die dazugehörigen Angebote?
(2020): Der Letzte macht das Licht aus?!. Nutzung und Bewertung öffentlich-finanzierter Medien im Vergleich zu alternativen audiovisuellen Angebotsformen durch junge Zielgruppen – am Beispiel Schweiz. 65. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Publizistik- und Kommunikationswissenschaft. München, 12. März, 2020
Abstract: Öffentlich-rechtliche Medienunternehmen stehen im Zuge des medialen Wandels in vielen Ländern Europas zunehmend unter Druck. Der potenzielle Verlust einer ganzenZuschauerInnengeneration konfrontiert öffentlich finanzierte Medienhäuser mit der Herausforderung, ihrem Leistungsauftrag auch in Zukunft gerecht zu werden. Im Zuge dieser Entwicklungen stellt sich die Frage, welchen Stellenwert Angebote des Service public gegenwärtig im Medienrepertoire der jungen Zielgruppen einnehmen und wie deren Inhalte im Verhältnis zu den Angeboten privater bzw. kommerzieller Anbieter bewertet werden. Auf Grundlage einer repräsentativen Onlinebefragung in der Schweiz (N=1114; Befragungszeitraum Januar-März 2019) wurde das Mediennutzungsverhalten Jugendlicherund junger Erwachsener im Alter von 14 bis 35 Jahren mit Fokus auf den Service public untersucht. Im Zuge des vorliegenden Tagungsbeitrags sollen nun erste Ergebnisse vorgestellt werden. Insgesamt ermöglicht die Studie ein differenzierteres Bild der Nutzung und Bewertung audiovisueller öffentlich-rechtlicher Medienanbieter durch junge Zielgruppen. Es zeigt sich, dass diese je nach Nutzungsintention (Information vs. Unterhaltung) die Bewertungsmaßstäbe deutlich anpassen.
(2020): Differenzierte Medienbewertungen als kompetentes Medienhandeln. Einschätzung öffentlich-finanzierter Medien im Vergleich zu kommerziellen audiovisuellen Angebotsformen durch junge Zielgruppen – am Beispiel Schweiz. SGKM-Jahrestagung. Schweizerische Gesellschaft für Kommunikations- und Medienwissenschaft. Online, 20. November, 2020
(2020): Die European Communication Conference (ECC) 2018 in Lugano. In: Studies in Communication Sciences 19, S. 239-240. Available online at https://doi.org/10.24434/j.scoms.2019.02.011, last checked on 19.02.2023
Abstract: Im vergangenen Jahr – vom 31. Oktober bis 4. November 2018 – hat in Lugano die 7. European Communication Conference (ECC) stattgefunden. Während vier Tagen präsentierten 983 internationale ReferentInnen laufende oder abgeschlossene Forschungsprojekte zum Themenkomplex: Centres and Peripheries: Communication, Research, Translation. Mit 1248 Teilnehmenden war diese Tagung in Lugano die bisher grösste ihrer Art.
(2019): Hat der Service public noch Chancen bei der jungen Zielgruppe?. Bewertungen und Zahlungsbereitschaft junger MediennutzerInnen in der Schweiz ein Jahr nach “NoBillag”. SGKM-Jahrestagung. Schweizerische Gesellschaft für Kommunikations- und Medienwissenschaft. St. Gallen, 4. April, 2019
(2019) : Searching for One’s Binge. Decision Making and Selection Strategies of Audio- Visual Contents by Young Audiences – Findings from a Use-Lab Study: The Youthification of Television and Screen Culture: Abstracts: Biennial Conference of the Television Studies Section of ECREA: Groningen, 24. - 25. Oktober, S. 10-11
Abstract: The finding that the young audience uses social media and mobile online communication to a much higher extent than older population is well documented by numerous quantitative survey studies (e.g. Lebo/Cole 2018; Newman et al. 2018). However, knowledge about the concrete usage practice of online and especially social media is rare. In particular, the questions of how young people find (audiovisual) content for what reasons and if content of public service media still play a role is little explored. One reasons for this research gap might be the methodological difficulties in order to analyze these questions. For this reason, this paper aims on one hand to explore the current search strategies and decisionmaking processes of young audiences in relation to their use of audiovisual content. On the other hand, it gives some methodological reflections about the use of observation in order to analyze this research question. The focus of the analysis lies on the offers of the Swiss public service broadcaster in comparison to traditional private broadcasters as well as to new (platform-) providers such as YouTube, Netflix and Instagram. By comparing the access of young people to PSM-content and to content of private broadcasters we are able to generate empirically sound knowledge about the selection strategies and decision-making processes of the young audience when it comes to selecting audio-visual services. This analysis is of great importance for political communication in democracies since public service media in most European countries are obliged to address the whole population including the young ones in order to legitimize its by attractive content and to fulfil its public service remit for democracy. However, in times of rapidly changing access channels and media usage preferences due to digitization and convergence, reaching the young audience is becoming increasingly difficult for national public service broadcasters in particular (Carlsson, 2014.; Fernández-Quijada et al., 2015; Reiter et al. , 2018). The study therefore focuses on the following four key areas: 1. Search strategies (pre-use) 2. Selection strategies (pre-use) 3. Expectations (pre-use/in-use) 4. Evaluations (in-use/post-use) of young audiences. Methodologically, the study (carried out from May to August 2019) relies on a qualitative approach with a combination of participatory observation, loud thinking and focus questions, based on the criteria of Grounded Theory (Gehrau, 2017; Pentzold et al., 2018). On the basis of a theoretical sample, 40 young adults between the ages of 18 and 35 will be interviewed from different contexts, which means that they are in the core field of the fiercely contested so-called ‘young audiences’. For the investigations a ‘usage lab’ will be set up, which is characterized by a target group-oriented design and multimedia equipment and thus represents an as natural survey situation as possible. The experimental arrangement is carried out in two settings. Setting 1 (n=20) focuses on the aspect ‘entertainment’, while setting 2 (n=20) concentrates on ‘information’. Both test settings include a twostage experimental setup. In the first stage, the participants will be accompanied in open usage scenarios, while in the second stage they will be confronted with specific audio-visual formats, which will be selected according to theoretical criteria. The paper thus aims to present the use of audio-visual media in terms of orientation, selection and evaluation strategies. To this end, results on relevance setting and preferences for both information and entertainment formats are to be achieved - in each case with a specific focus on the target grouporiented offerings of the Swiss public service broadcaster. This will enable previously unavailable indepth insights into the audiovisual media use preferences and strategies of the audiences, which are difficult to reach for the public service media. Based on the insights of this study the current discussion on the sustainability of publicly financed media services can be taken forward.
(2019) : The Quest for Audiovisual Innovation. Strategies of Public Media Providers to Reach Young Audiences: The Youthification of Television and Screen Culture: Abstracts: Biennial Conference of the Television Studies Section of ECREA: Groningen, 24. - 25. Oktober, S. 18-19
Abstract: On the one hand, viewing culture of young audiences is characterised by the ubiquitous presence of social media platforms as well as by mobile and non-linear use of audio-visual content (e.g. Newman et al 2018). On the other hand, young people are attracted by new audio-visual formats, which are often produced by less established providers (e.g. ‘content creators’). These are characterised breaking with formal rules of traditional television production (e.g. direct camera viewing, jump-cuts, etc.) or feature new forms of interactivity, for example by merging classic audio-visual formats with gaming elements (Cunningham 2014: 105). . This development presents major challenges for traditional television broadcasters. Public broadcasting organisations in particular are challenged by the problem of being mandated to offer content for the whole population, while at the same time being restricted by regulations in the development of new online formats that would be necessary to reach young audiences in many countries. Nevertheless, stakeholders in media, politics and other actors demand ‘innovation’ from public service broadcasters in order to be able to reach the young audiences. In countries such as the UK, Belgium and Switzerland, this demand for innovation is also part of the charter/licence (Lindmark et al. 2013). From a scientific perspective, this debate raises questions about the feasibility and management of innovations in the public media sector. Thus, this paper aims to answer the following two questions: How can audio-visual innovations be characterised and related to each other? How do public media providers try to encourage innovation within their organisations in order to reach young audience groups? Firstly, based on empirical results of an ongoing research project, this paper will present a newly developed index of audio-visual innovations, which enables to identify five dimensions of audio-visual novelty. The indicators of this index are derived from innovation theory (Storsul & Krumsvik 2013) and applied into codes for content analysis. So far, this analysis has been carried out on 20 innovative formats from Europe and North America. The results indicate that both private and public broadcasting organisations are able to produce innovate audio-visual formats, however, the individual categories and priorities are pronounced quite differently. Secondly, this paper analyses organisational conditions for innovation (based upon findings of media management studies, e.g. Dal Zotto 2008) by presenting the results of a case study on the Swiss public service broadcasting corporation. This case study is based on a document analysis in combination with half-standardised expert interviews with representatives of the management, producers, journalists and former employees. First results show that the Swiss public service broadcasting corporation is still searching for a suitable form to facilitate and institutionalise innovation. Initially, an autonomous innovation department was set up for this purpose. However, this department was dissolved after a few years and innovation processes were (re)organised and decentralised. Currently, the informal network of some specific individuals, strongly connected with the management, seems to influence decisions regarding innovations for young audiences. Internal organisational conflicts and the low popularity of the existing formats for the young audiences indicate the difficulties and challenges of reorganising a traditional public service broadcaster.