Publications UAS Grisons


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  • Anderegg, Roland; Merkle, Thorsten (2020): ‚Herbert-Bike’. Developing an innovative platform for Mountain Bike Tourism in Switzerland. Teaching case study (The case centre)

    Abstract: Tourism in rural and alpine Switzerland, a classical winter sport and ski destination, suffers from seasonality (Giachino, Truant, & Bonadonna, 2019). One way for many regions to overcome adverse aspects of seasonality is to diversify their offering and extend the customer base, with Mountain Biking being one such offering. The canton of Grisons is a leading mountain biking destination, but also faces competition from other regions, both within Switzerland and abroad. The case discusses the development of an innovative Mountain Bike Tourism distribution platform called 'Herbert'. Herbert is a tool helping tourism providers in the Swiss canton of Grisons market their offerings to the distinct target segment of Mountain Bikers. The case describes the platform's business model as well as its uniqueness. Whilst its benefits are discussed, the case also considers shortcomings of the platform. Case study questions then allow contextualizing 'Herbert' in light of current issues in tourism Destination Management.

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  • Kronthaler, Franz Xaver; Anderegg, Roland (2019): Machbarkeitsstudie betreffend Kandidatur von Graubünden als Standort für die Durchführung der Berufsmeisterschaften SwissSkills 2022 und WorldSkills 2023. Schlussbericht. Chur

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  • Anderegg, Roland; Gressbach, Christian; Walser, Roger (2018) : Erfolgsfaktoren für Themendestinationen. Die Plattform „Herbert" als Beispiel für Mountainbike-Tourismus in Graubünden In: Bieger, Thomas; Beritelli, Pietro; Laesser, Christian (Hg.): Wettbewerb und Digitalisierung im alpinen Tourismus: Berlin: Erich Schmidt Verlag (Schweizer Jahrbuch für Tourismus), S. 89-101

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