Publications UAS Grisons


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  • Roebrock, Philipp (2023): Waldsturmschadensanalyse mittels Fernerkundung (Einblicke in die Forschung). Available online at, last checked on 26.05.2023


    Abstract: Zur Bestimmung von Sturmschäden in Waldgebieten wurde eine Software entwickelt, die es ermöglicht, in von Drohnen aufgenommenen Luftbildern umgestürzte Bäume zu detektieren, zu vermessen und geografisch zu lokalisieren. Damit wird die Schadensanalyse schneller, effizienter und weniger gefährlich.

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  • Brunner, Lars; Salvator, Mario; Roebrock, Philipp; Birk, Udo (2021) : Chess recognition using 3D patterned illumination camera In: Osten, Wolfgang; Nikolaev, Dmitry P.; Zhou, Jianhong (Hg.): Thirteenth International Conference on Machine Vision (ICMV 2020): Proceedings: International Conference on Machine Vision (ICMV): Rom, 2. - 6. November. SPIE The international society for optics and photonics (Proceedings of SPIE), S. 520-527


    Abstract: Computer Vision has been applied to augment traditional board games such as Chess for a number of reasons. While augmented reality enhances the gaming experience, the required additional hardware (e.g. head gear) is still not widely accepted in everyday leisure activities, and therefore, camera based methods have been developed to interface the computer with the real-life chess board. However, traditional 2D camera approaches suffer from ill-defined environmental conditions (lighting, viewing angle) and are therefore severely limited in their application. To answer this issue, we have incorporated a consumer-grade depth camera based on patterned illumination. We could show that in combination with traditional 2D color images, the recognition of chess pieces is made easier, which allows seamless integration of the real-life chess pieces with the computer program. Our method uses a fusion approach from depth and RGB camera data and is suitable for two distant players to play against each other, using two physical sets of chess.

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  • Roebrock, Philipp (2020): Neuer Studiengang spürt dem Roboter nach. In: Wissensplatz, S. 10-11. Available online at, last checked on 28.02.2020


    Abstract: Mobile Roboter sind ein Technologietrend unserer Zeit. Sie sind aus vielen Bereichen nicht mehr wegzudenken – etwa der Logistik, der Vermessung und Erkundung oder auch dem Servicebereich. Aber was sind mobile Roboter überhaupt und warum lohnt es sich, sich mit ihnen zu beschäftigen?

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  • Roebrock, Philipp (2020) : Jung­fern­fahrt auf dem Mar­mor­e­ra­see . Blog (FHGR Blog) . Available online at , last checked on 22.02.2021


    Abstract: Anfang November letzten Jahres hatte ein Studierendenprojekt der FH Graubünden seinen besonderen Auftritt.

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  • Birk, Udo; Roebrock, Philipp (2018) : User-position aware adaptive display of 3D data without additional stereoscopic hardware In: Verikas, Antanas; Nikolaev, Dmitry P.; Radeva, Petia; Zhou, Jianhong (Hg.): Eleventh International Conference on Machine Vision (ICMV 2018): Proceedings: International Conference on Machine Vision (ICMV): München, 1. - 3. November. SPIE The international society for optics and photonics (Proceedings of SPIE). Available online at, last checked on 14.02.2020


    Abstract: Stereoscopic vision modules have seen limited success in both engineering and consumer world, due to the required additional hardware (image acquisition, Virtual Reality headsets, 3D glasses). In the last years, especially the gaming and education sectors have benefited from such specialized headgear, providing virtual or augmented reality. However, many other industrial and biomedical applications such as e.g. computer aided design (CAD) or tomographic data display, so far have not fully exploited the increased 3D rendering capabilities of present-day computer hardware. We present an approach to use standard desktop PC hardware (monitor and webcam) to display user-position aware projections of 3D data without additional headgear. The user position is detected from webcam images, and the rendered 3D data (i.e. the view) is adjusted to match the corresponding user position, resulting in a quasi virtual reality rendering, albeit without the 3D effect of proper 3D head-gear. The approach has many applications from medical imaging, to construction and CAD, to architecture, to exhibitions, arts and performances. Depending on the user location, i.e. the detected head position, the data is rendered differently to attribute for the user view angle (zoom) and direction. As the user moves his or her head in front of the monitor, different features of the rendered object become visible. As the user moves closer to the screen, the view angle of the rendered data is decreased, resulting in a zoomed-in version of the rendered object.

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  • Roebrock, Philipp (2018): 3D Image Processing. Joint Workshop on Industrial 3D Vision. Swissphotonics. Chur, 21. Juni, 2018

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