Publications UAS Grisons


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  • Schenk, Bianca (2021): Striving for the reduction of transport-related tourism emissions. The impact of regionality on tourists‘ willingness to pay for carbon offsets. Masterarbeit Tourism. Fachhochschule Graubünden, Chur. Institut für Tourismus und Freizeit (ITF).

    Abstract: Due to the carbon-intensity of the tourism sector, both destinations and tourists are called to take action. One possible direction of action is the offsetting of emissions. The concept has largely been explored in the aviation sector, but only little research exists about consumer preferences under different circumstances, such as emissions from other means of transport. An online survey was conducted to explore the importance of locality of offsetting projects as well as possible influences of the chosen means of transport and the satisfaction therewith on the willingness to participate in and pay for offsets. Results were related to findings of existing literature in the field of offsetting, behavioral theory and marketing strategy to derive practical recommendations. As it has been proven that knowledge and environmental attitudes do not necessarily translate into sustainable behavior, nudging approaches were included to bridge the gap between attitudes and behavior.

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