Publications UAS Grisons


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  • Zacheo, Giada; van Schie, Alexander; Frey, Bruno (2023) : Pi = 3.14159… . Eine Zahl, ein Welt­re­kord, eine Website und mehr. Was kann man mit einer Zahl alles machen? . Blog (FHGR Blog) . Available online at , last checked on 02.02.2023


    Abstract: Eine Gruppe Studierender hat auf der Grundlage des Pi-Weltrekords aus dem Jahr 2021 eine Website erstellt, welche die Kreiszahl Pi erlebbar machen soll. Tauchen Sie in die Welt von der Kreiszahl Pi ein.

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  • Frey, Bruno; van Schie, Alexander; Zacheo, Giada (2022) : Pi-Experience. Making 62.8 Trillion Digits Come Alive In: Burch, Michael; Wallner, Günter; Limberger, Daniel (Hg.): The 15th International Symposium on Visual Information Communication and Interaction: Proceedings: VINCI: Chur, 16. - 18. August: New York: Association for Computing Machinery, S. 18:1-18:4. Available online at, last checked on 19.02.2023


    Abstract: In 2021, the University of Applied Sciences of the Grisons (FHGR) set the world record for the most accurate calculation of the circular number pi by calculating 62.8 trillion decimal places. The goal of the follow-up project described here is to present the world record to the public using different methodologies. To make the record comprehensible, it was planned to use different techniques and methods to convey the dimensions of the calculated number. In a first step, we created a website to allow searching for number patterns within the decimal places of pi. So far, pattern search has been implemented for dates, birthdays, and geocoordinates. We developed a custom corporate design and implemented it into the website for its presentation. We also enriched data with Linked Open Data. Further implementations, for example in the form of a virtual reality experience in the “Igloo” at the Institute for Multimedia Production at FHGR, are planned

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  • Weichselbraun, Albert; Waldvogel, Roger; Fraefel, Andreas; van Schie, Alexander; Süsstrunk, Norman; Kuntschik, Philipp (2022): Slot Filling for Extracting Reskilling and Upskilling Options from the Web. 27th International Conference on Natural Language & Information Systems (NLDB). Universitat Politècnica de València. Valencia,17. Juni, 2022. Available online at, last checked on 24.11.2022


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  • Weichselbraun, Albert; Waldvogel, Roger; Fraefel, Andreas; van Schie, Alexander; Kuntschik, Philipp (2022): Building Knowledge Graphs and Recommender Systems for Suggesting Reskilling and Upskilling Options from the Web. In: Information 13. Available online at, last checked on 24.11.2022


    Abstract: As advances in science and technology, crisis, and increased competition impact labor markets, reskilling and upskilling programs emerged to mitigate their effects. Since information on continuing education is highly distributed across websites, choosing career paths and suitable upskilling options is currently considered a challenging and cumbersome task. This article, therefore, introduces a method for building a comprehensive knowledge graph from the education providers’ Web pages. We collect educational programs from 488 providers and leverage entity recognition and entity linking methods in conjunction with contextualization to extract knowledge on entities such as prerequisites, skills, learning objectives, and course content. Slot filling then integrates these entities into an extensive knowledge graph that contains close to 74,000 nodes and over 734,000 edges. A recommender system leverages the created graph, and background knowledge on occupations to provide a career path and upskilling suggestions. Finally, we evaluate the knowledge extraction approach on the CareerCoach 2022 gold standard and draw upon domain experts for judging the career paths and upskilling suggestions provided by the recommender system.

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  • Weichselbraun, Albert; van Schie, Alexander; Fraefel, Andreas; Kuntschik, Philipp; Waldvogel, Roger (2022) : Career Coach. Automatische Wissensextraktion und Expertensystem für personalisierte Re- und Upskilling Vorschläge In: Forster, Michael; Alt, Sharon; Hanselmann, Marcel; Deflorin, Patricia (Hg.): Digitale Transformation an der Fachhochschule Graubünden: Case Studies aus Forschung und Lehre: Chur: FH Graubünden Verlag, S. 11-18

    Abstract: CareerCoach entwickelt Methoden zur automatischen Extraktion von Fortbildungsangeboten. Das System analysiert die Webseiten von Bildungsanbietenden und integriert deren Angebote in einen zentralen Wissensgrafen, der innovative Dienstleistungen wie semantische Suchen und Expertensysteme unterstützt.

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