European Latin America Forum
Register now
At a glance

At a glance

You are professionally or privately interested in topics from the fields of politics, economics and science in connection with Latin America? The European Latin America Forum (ELAF) organized by the University of Applied Sciences of the Grisons, connosco e.V., and Konrad Adenauer Foundation will once again bring together interested people virtually in 2024 to discuss current topics relating to (economic) relations between Europe and Latin America and sustainable development in lectures, panel discussions and workshops.

Virtual ELAF

Virtual ELAF

On the 11th April 2024, from 15:00 to 18:00 (CET), the European Latin America Forum (ELAF) 2024 will be dedicated to the theme "(Economic) relations between Europe and Latin America: Stagnation instead of progress?". Register now.


Start time:
15:00 AT, DE, CH
10:00 AR, BR, CL, UR, PY
09:00 BO, VE
08:00 PA, CO, EC, PE
07:00 MX

Zoom room opens 15 minutes earlier

ELAF virtual

ELAF virtual

El 11 de abril de 2024, de las 15:00 a las 18:00 horas (CET), se celebrará el Foro Europeo América Latina (ELAF) 2024 dedicado al tema «Relaciones (económicas) entre Europa y América Latina: ¿Estancamiento en lugar de progreso?».


Inscripción en el evento

Haga clic aquí

Hora de inicio:
15:00 AT, DE, CH
10:00 AR, BR, CL, UR, PY
09:00 BO, VE
08:00 PA, CO, EC, PE
07:00 MX

La sala de Zoom se abre 15 minutos antes


