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(2012): Female Staff and Leaders of the Rhaetian Railway. Current Situation and Future Development. Bachelorarbeit Tourismus. Hochschule für Technik und Wirtschaft HTW Chur, Chur. Institut für Tourismus und Freizeit (ITF).
Abstract: The Rhaetian Railway is one of the major transport companies, an important tourism partner and belongs to the largest employers in the Canton of Grisons. In this thesis a clear focus is set on the women in the workforce of the Rhaetian Railway. Considering the shortage of skilled workers, the recruitment and retention as well as the fight for talents constitute a great challenge. A proportionally high number of men work at the Rhaetian Railway, especially in certain areas and professions. Similar is the case in leading positions where women amount in a minority. The qualitative interviews showed the employees' satisfaction in the current situation and where gender issues are located. This thesis presents valuable recommendations on how to attract and promote more women. Moreover, the importance is highlighted for the Rhaetian Railway to actively position itself for equal opportunities and diversity management to become a women and family friendlier company.