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(2023): Lifting the magic curtain. how transparency on social norm nudging affects its efficacy. AMICS 2023 Proceedings. 5. SIG CORE. Panama City, 10. - 12. August, 2023. Online verfügbar unter https://aisel.aisnet.org/amcis2023/sig_core/sig_core/5/, zuletzt geprüft am 06.07.2023
Abstract: This study analyses how the effect of a social norm nudge changes when its function and purpose become transparent. For this purpose, a quantitative, experimental online survey was conducted among 474 participants in the context of voluntary CO2 offset. The non-transparent social norm nudge and the one with information solely on its function showed no significant effect on behaviour. However, the social norm nudge disclosing both, its function and purpose, did effect behaviour positively. Based on the results, it is recommended that social norm nudges are made transparent in practice. The recipient of a social norm nudge should therefore be explicitly notified about its function and purpose.
(2023) : Digitales Marketing lernen mit «digitalkick» . Blog (FHGR Blog) . Online verfügbar unter https://blog.fhgr.ch/blog/digitales-marketing-lernen-mit-digitalkick/ , zuletzt geprüft am 23.04.2023
Abstract: Digitales Marketing wird für Unternehmen und Vereine immer wichtiger. Doch für viele Betriebe und Vereine ist es eine Herausforderung, in diesem schnelllebigen Thema den Einstieg zu finden. Die neue Lernplattform «digitalkick» bietet eine Lösung und hat zum Ziel, den Teilnehmenden einen Kickstart in die Welt des Digitalen Marketings zu ermöglichen.
(2022) : Is there a Social Impact Paradox in Cross-Channel Communication?. A Management Perspective In: Taneja, Sonia: Academy of Management Proceedings: 82th Annual Meeting: Washington / Online, 4. - 10. August. Academy of Management
DOI: https://doi.org/10.5465/AMBPP.2022.17559abstract Abstract: Customers use multiple channels to inform themselves about products and services before making a buying decision. As companies provide information on their owned platforms, their customers experience a multi-channel journey on their way to the company website. While companies try to nudge potential customers into consuming provided information, potential effects of previous customers experiences (such as social media browsing) on the effect of digital nudges (i.e. social norms) and the perception of such guidance are not thoroughly investigated yet. First studies imply that customers react differently to nudges depending on their previous channel experience. This paper contributes by focusing on digital nudging during the pre-purchase phase of the customer journey. The potential effect of social norm nudges on information search intentions and the influence of previous social media usage are investigated. Two online experiments examined previous social media usage as a potential moderator of the social norms nudge efficacy as well as the influence of previous social media usage on the perception of social norms nudges. Results show that previous social media usage influences perception as well as the efficacy of a social norms nudge on a company website in certain circumstances. Although social norms do not always significantly affect user behavior, users that consumed social media before seeing a social norms nudge, have an altered perception of these nudges. Choice architects implementing digital nudges are challenged to carefully consider such effects when applying nudges on their user interfaces.
(2022) : Nudging in the pre-purchase phase. On the effectiveness of social norm nudges, previous TikTok usage and potential interactions: AMCIS 2022 Proceedings: 28th Americas Conference on Information Systems: Minneapolis, 10. - 14. August. Association for Information Systems. Online verfügbar unter https://aisel.aisnet.org/amcis2022/sig_sc/sig_sc/12/, zuletzt geprüft am 19.08.2022
Abstract: Digital nudges are used to guide users’ attention and behavior in different phases of the customer journey. This paper focuses on the application of digital nudges in the pre-purchase phase of customer journeys by analyzing the potential effect of a social norm nudge on information consumption intentions. The study further aims to explore the extent that social media usage prior to a specific task may strengthen or weaken the nudging effect. An experiment was conducted asking participants (n = 209) to imagine planning their summer vacation and inform themselves about travelling during the Covid pandemic. The results show that while age significantly affected the intention to consume information, neither the social norm nudge nor prior social media usage appeared to be effective in the chosen context.
(2021) : Social Pressure on Heavy Thinkers?. The Influence of Need for Cognition on Pre-Purchase Social Norm Nudges: AMCIS 2021 Proceedings: 27th Americas Conference on Information Systems: Online, 9. - 13. August. Association for Information Systems. Online verfügbar unter https://aisel.aisnet.org/amcis2021/sig_hci/sig_hci/1, zuletzt geprüft am 16.07.2021
Abstract: The design of user interfaces has seen an increasing use of digital nudging principles in recent years. Research has shown many nudging principles, like defaults or social norms, to be effective in persuasive systems. So far though, little research has focused on the user’s personality and its influence on the efficacy of such nudges. This paper investigates the influence of an individual’s need for cognition on the effectiveness of a digital social norms nudge. The experimental design operationalized an information research task for further education offerings. The results indicate that users with a higher need for cognition are 29.1% less likely to select the nudged option. This result aligns with theoretical findings but contrasts another study within the purchase stage of a customer journey that did not find significant moderation effects. It demonstrates the need for a careful consideration of users’ personality traits when using digital nudges in persuasive systems.
(2021): Digital Nudge Efficacy and the Influence of Personality in Pre-Purchase Information Research. In: International Journal of Applied Behavioral Economics 10, S. 21-41. DOI: 10.4018/IJABE.2021100103
DOI: https://doi.org/10.4018/IJABE.2021100103 Abstract: This study analyses digital nudging in the early stages of the customer journey. The experimental approach investigates the influence of digital nudging principles on decision making when searching for educational programs. The online experiment shows significant impact for three of the five digital nudging principles and greatly varying effect sizes. Social norms, anchoring and adjustment, and status quo nudging principles have a substantial impact when used in the pre-purchase stage. Loss aversion and hyperbolic discounting nudges have not shown a significant influence on choice behavior. Furthermore, extraverted individuals show significantly less behavioral change when confronted with a loss aversion nudge. These results imply a careful consideration of the chosen nudging principle and the target groups personalities when implementing digital nudges and start a novel discussion on the usage of digital nudges in the pre-purchase stage of the customer journey.
(2020): Digital Business Management. Eine neue Studienrichtung im Bachelor of Science in Information Science. In: Information. Wissenschaft & Praxis 71, S. 273-274. Online verfügbar unter https://doi.org/10.1515/iwp-2020-2110, zuletzt geprüft am 30.10.2020
Abstract: Die digitale Transformation führt zu einem eklatanten Fachkräftemangel in der Wirtschaft. Das Bachelor-Studium der Informationswissenschaft bietet eine ideale Ausgangslage, um auf diesen Umstand einzugehen und Fachkräfte für die Digitalwirtschaft auszubilden. Unter Nutzung dieser Synergien wurde im Jahr 2016 die neue Studienrichtung Digital Business Management eingeführt, mit der eine erweiterte Zielgruppe Studierender angesprochen werden konnte. Der Aufbau des Studiums wurde, ausgehend von informationswissenschaftlichen Kompetenzen, auf spezifische Bedürfnisse digitaler Projekte in der Schweizer Digitalwirtschaft ausgerichtet. So ersetzten Module rund um E-Business Management, Innovationsmethodik, Projektmanagement und Entrepreneurship vertiefende Inhalte aus dem informationswissenschaftlichen Studium. Rund 200 Studierende werden derzeit in dem Studienangebot ausgebildet. In den ersten vier Jahren des Programmes wurden über 60 Studierendenprojekte mit Unternehmenspartnern umgesetzt. Die ersten Absolventinnen und Absolventen des Programms des Abschlussjahrs 2019 wurden sehr gut vom Arbeitsmarkt angenommen.
(2019): Gesuchte Fachkräfte: Digital Business Managerinnen und Manager. In: Wissensplatz, S. 8-9. Online verfügbar unter https://www.fhgr.ch/fhgr/medien-und-oeffentlichkeit/publikationen/wissensplatz/september-2019/, zuletzt geprüft am 05.12.2019
Abstract: Als Antwort auf die digitale Veränderung in der Gesellschaft bildet die FH Graubünden seit 2016 Fachkräfte aus, die sich mit Digital Business Management auseinandersetzen. Die praxisnahe Studienrichtung konzentriert sich auf Innovation, Konzeption und Projektleitung in der digitalen Welt.
(2019) : Application of Digital Nudging in Customer Journeys. A Systematic Literature Review: AMCIS 2019 Proceedings: 25th Americas Conference on Information Systems: Cancún, 15. - 17. August. Association for Information Systems
Abstract: More and more decisions are made on screens. Digital nudging attempts to guide users’ decisions on these screens. One relevant application area of digital nudging are customer journeys. Emerging research on this topic mainly analyses digital nudging on companies’ owned conversion screens (i.e. websites). However, in a multi-channel, multi-owner customer journeys (i.e. own website and search engine or social media) there is increasing need to guide users through various digital touchpoints along all stages of the customer journey. This paper examines existing research on the application of digital nudging throughout customer journeys. The literature review reveals that nudging has been considered in customer journey-related literature, but so far with little explicit cross-referencing to nudging and behavioral economics research. The scientific contribution of this paper comprises a synthesis of existing research, identification of research gaps and a research agenda to study the application of digital nudging along the customer journey.
(2017): Fachkräfte für die Chancen einer digital geprägten Wirtschaft. In: Wissensplatz, S. 16-17. Online verfügbar unter https://www.fhgr.ch/fhgr/medien-und-oeffentlichkeit/publikationen/wissensplatz/februar-2017/, zuletzt geprüft am 07.12.2018
Abstract: Junge Unternehmen mit neuartigen, disruptiven Geschäftsmodellen und dank digitalen Technologien automatisierte Geschäftsprozesse verändern die Wirtschaft auf rasante Art und Weise. Für diesen dynamischen Markt bildet die HTW Chur seit Herbst 2016 Digital Business Managerinnen und Manager im Rahmen einer neuen Bachelorstudienrichtung aus.
(2016) : Informatiktage 2016 . Informatik von Morgen! . Blog (FHGR Blog) . Online verfügbar unter https://blog.fhgr.ch/blog/informatiktage-2016-informatik-von-morgen/ , zuletzt geprüft am 28.03.2021
Abstract: Was haben die drei Gebiete «Big Data», «3D-Bildverarbeitung» und «Digitale Geschäftsmodelle» gemeinsam? Sie alle werden durch innovative Technologien ermöglicht. Sie alle befinden sich in einer starken Wachstumsphase. Sie alle sind Teil von Industrie 4.0 und sie alle benötigen als Basis ausgezeichnete Informatik – die Informatik von Morgen! Im Rahmen der Informatiktage 2016 hat die HTW Chur am 3. Juni 2016 eine Informationsveranstaltung zum Thema «Informatik von Morgen!» durchgeführt.