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  • Schüle, Raphael (2009): Development of an event concept for Swiss Tennis Gala Night. Bachelorarbeit Tourismus. Hochschule für Technik und Wirtschaft HTW Chur, Chur. Institut für Tourismus und Freizeit (ITF).

    Abstract: Gala events enjoy a great popularity in our society. Marketing and communication experts have also recognised the potential of gala events and therefore integrate them in their marketing and communication concept by sponsoring such events. Gala events offer an excellent platform for communication. Swiss Tennis the tennis association of Switzerland has established its own gala event as other well known (sports) associations. After having successfully organized the first gala night in 2008, Swiss Tennis decided to repeat this event in March 2010 in order to create a highlight in the event calendar. This paper aims to develop additional recommendations to the existing event concept of Swiss Tennis Gala Night. The main focus on the one hand is analysing the past event and setting benchmarks for gala events in general by interviewing other gala event organisers. On the other hand it is developing new concepts to make the gala night more attractive for guests and sponsors. Even though the title of the paper is «development of an event concept for Swiss Tennis Gala Night» it does not reinvent the wheel. It is rather replenishment to the existing event concept of Swiss Tennis Gala Night, providing the organiser with benchmarks and possible innovative ideas which help to make the event more attractive.

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