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  • Junod, Melanie (2016): How could graubündenSPORT tailor its offering and public relations to engage more actively with community sports organizations?. Bachelorarbeit Tourismus. Hochschule für Technik und Wirtschaft HTW Chur, Chur. Institut für Tourismus und Freizeit (ITF).

    Abstract: graubündenSPORT is the umbrella organization of the public sports authorities in the canton of Grisons. They offer expert information and counseling in several areas, not only for sports organizations, but also for sports events. However, many associations and federations only approach graubündenSPORT for financial assistance, because they are not aware of the department’s information and counseling services. The aim of this bachelor thesis is to identify the areas of information and counseling desired most, and to recommend communication strategies to help graubündenSPORT engage and collaborate more with sports organizations. These conclusions will be based primarily on an online questionnaire and expert interviews. The new communication strategy and offering should also serve to promote the canton’s new sports campaign.

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