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  • McLauchlan, Niall (2005): The Efficiency of a Multicultural Team in the Hospitality Industry. Diplomarbeit Tourismus. Hochschule für Technik und Wirtschaft HTW Chur, Chur. Institut für Tourismus und Freizeit (ITF).

    Abstract: After a brief introduction, including the importance of cultural diversity in Switzerland, Grisons and the hospitality industry, as well as referring to theory relevant to the subject, the author attempts to identify current and future trends regarding multicultural teams. The main part consists of a self conceived method of exploring cultural differences in a multinational team, combining a questionnaire and a workshop. This project is an attempt to analyse cultural differences among members of a multinational team, by building a cultural profile of each member and subsequently of the team as a whole. It quantifies results in order to better understand the intricacies and efficiencies of a multicultural team and ends with guidelines on how to support said team. The team in question is a 5 nation, 10 person kitchen crew (skilled and unskilled workers) from the Calanda Restaurant in Chur, Switzerland. It is the author’s intention for this information to be used as a guide for managers in the tourism and hospitality industry, as it provides an insight, through example, into how a multicultural team functions and how it can be more efficient.

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