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  • Lichtenberger, Bianka; Studer, Martin; Kilp, Anna-Katharina (2022) : Innovation versus Qualitätsmanagement. Gegensatz oder Sicherstellung der Weiterentwicklung einer Hochschule? In: Reinbacher, Paul: Qualitätsmanagement in der Krise?: Paradoxien, Probleme und Perspektiven im Universitäts- und Hochschulbetrieb: Weinheim: Beltz Verlagsgruppe, S. 291-304

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  • Kilp, Anna-Katharina (2021): Technological acceptance of audio-visual services in tourism. A qualitative study of the acceptance of AR & VR at UK natural and cultural attractions. Masterarbeit Tourism. Fachhochschule Graubünden, Chur. Institut für Tourismus und Freizeit (ITF).

    Abstract: Both Augmented (AR) as well as Virtual Reality (VR) have been growing in importance in recent years with the implications of such applications also being of significance for the tourism industry. Using the Technology Acceptance Model (Davis, 1985) as a basis, the study investigates the technological acceptance of audio visual services by UK natural & cultural attractions. By following an inductive, explanatory, qualitative approach the study aims to identify practical implications for attractions regarding the implementation of AR & VR. The qualitative data was obtained through semi-structured interviews and analysed following a qualitative content analysis approach. Results show that UK natural & cultural attractions have a high technological acceptance of AR & VR. However, this acceptance does not necessarily lead to the implementation of these technologies. Answers for this can be found in additional value dimensions that appear to act as moderators of the relationship.

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