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  • Castro Rodríguez, Jesica (2014): Customers’ Online Decision Making Behaviour in View of a City Trip in Europe. Analysis based on the three main target groups of the travelwindow AG. Bachelorarbeit Tourismus. Hochschule für Technik und Wirtschaft HTW Chur, Chur. Institut für Tourismus und Freizeit (ITF).

    Abstract: Before heading to a destination, travellers start looking for information. There are different ways to collect data about vacation such as travel agencies or catalogues. But nowadays most used travel information channel is of course the internet. This bachelor thesis outlines first of all the literature dealing with the information search patterns and the booking process of travellers. Furthermore, an online questionnaire with 827 answers of former customers as well as non-customers shows the trends and preferences among the three main target groups of the online travel agency travelwindow AG – Silver Surfers, Families and DINKs. A comparison of both, the literature review and the online questionnaire, gives different ideas and suggestions. With an analysis of the current website and its content, this ideas lead to concrete suggestions for the travelwindow AG in order to improve the customers’ process from the information collection to the booking on the OTA’s website.

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