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  • Hauser, Christian; Bretti Rainalter, Jeanine; Jehan, Eleanor (2022): Responsible Business Conduct in International Supply Chains. Responsible Business Practices: Opportunities and Challenges. Online, 7. Februar, 2022

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  • Hauser, Christian; Bretti Rainalter, Jeanine; Jehan, Eleanor (2022): Responsible Business Conduct in International Supply Chains. Responsible Business Practices: Opportunities and Challenges. Online, 22. März, 2022

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  • Hauser, Christian; Bretti Rainalter, Jeanine; Jehan, Eleanor (2022): Responsible Business Conduct in International Supply Chains. Responsible Business Practices: Opportunities and Challenges. Online, 29. März, 2022

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  • Hauser, Christian; Bretti Rainalter, Jeanine; Jehan, Eleanor (2022): Responsible Business Conduct in International Supply Chains. Responsible Business Practices: Opportunities and Challenges. Online, 4. März, 2022

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  • Hauser, Christian; Bretti Rainalter, Jeanine; Jehan, Eleanor (2022): Responsible Business Conduct in International Supply Chains. Responsible Business Practices: Opportunities and Challenges. Online, 21. Februar, 2022

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  • Hauser, Christian; Bretti Rainalter, Jeanine; Jehan, Eleanor (2022): Responsible Business Conduct in International Supply Chains. Responsible Business Practices: Opportunities and Challenges. Online, 3. Februar, 2022

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  • Hauser, Christian; Bretti Rainalter, Jeanine; Jehan, Eleanor (2022): Responsible Management in International Supply Chains. Chur: FH Graubünden Verlag. Online verfügbar unter, zuletzt geprüft am 22.09.2022


    Abstract: Due to increased public pressure and tightening legal frameworks, companies face the task of ensuring responsible management not only within their own organisations but also in their international supply chains. l Successfully addressing the complex challenges along international supply chains requires all actors involved – first and foremost, companies and their suppliers – to take collective action. This CoAct-Handbook provides large companies as well as small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) with tools and methods to ensure responsible management in the various supply chain constellations. For this purpose, a model was developed to classify each buyer-supplier relationship according to the company’s ability to influence the supplier and the risk level associated with the supplier related to environmental, social and governance (ESG) issues. The model shows that each company, even if its respective ability to influence the supplier may differ, is able to take measures for responsible management in the supply chain in each constellation. In addition, options for action take the form of a roadmap and a toolkit.

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  • Hauser, Christian; Bretti Rainalter, Jeanine; Jehan, Eleanor (2022): Verantwortungsvolle Unternehmensführung in internationalen Lieferketten. Chur: FH Graubünden Verlag. Online verfügbar unter, zuletzt geprüft am 22.09.2022


    Abstract: Aufgrund des erhöhten öffentlichen Drucks und den sich verschärfenden rechtlichen Rahmenbedingungen stehen Unternehmen vor der Aufgabe, verantwortungsvolle Unternehmensführung nicht nur in der eigenen Organisation, sondern auch in ihren internationalen Lieferketten sicherzustellen. Um die komplexen Herausforderungen entlang der internationalen Lieferketten erfolgreich anzugehen, ist kollektives Handeln aller beteiligten Akteure erforderlich, allen voran der Unternehmen und ihrer Lieferanten. Das vorliegende CoAct-Handbuch stellt Grossunternehmen und kleinen und mittleren Unternehmen (KMU) Instrumente und Methoden zur Verfügung, um verantwortungsvolle Unternehmensführung in den unterschiedlichen Lieferkettenkonstellationen sicherzustellen. Dafür wurde ein Modell zur Klassifizierung des Einflussvermögens und des ESG-Risikoniveaus erarbeitet, das aufzeigt, dass jedes Unternehmen, auch wenn sein jeweiliges Einflussvermögen unterschiedlich ist, in jeder Konstellation Massnahmen für eine verantwortungsvolle Zusammenarbeit in der Lieferkette ergreifen kann. Zudem wurden Handlungsoptionen in Form einer Roadmap und eines Methodenkoffers entwickelt.

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  • Hauser, Christian; Jehan, Eleanor; Weichselbraun, Albert (2022): Internal Integrity Risk Warning System. Integrity Fund Meeting. Koenig & Bauer Banknote Solutions. Lausanne, 1. Juli, 2022

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  • Hauser, Christian; Jehan, Eleanor; Bretti-Rainalter, Jeanine (2022): Managing responsibility in international supply chains. The role of the buyer-supplier relationship and the supplier’s risk profile. EURAM 22nd Annual Conference. European Academy of Management. Winterthur, 15. Juni, 2022

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  • Hauser, Christian; Jehan, Eleanor; Bretti-Rainalter, Jeanine (2022): Supply Chain Ethics and Compliance in Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises (SMEs). Interdisciplinary European Conference on Entrepreneurship Research (IECER). Maastricht, 27. Oktober, 2022

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  • Hauser, Christian; Jehan, Eleanor; Weichselbraun, Albert; Beier, Michael (2022): Whistleblower investigations in the age of Big Data and artificial intelligence. Working Group Meeting. ECS Working Group Whistleblowing. Zürich, 20. Juni, 2022

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  • Hauser, Christian; Bretti Rainalter, Jeanine; Jehan, Eleanor (2021): Introducing responsibility into Kraljic’s Purchasing Portfolio Matrix. 8th Responsible Management Education Research Conference. Xi'an Jiaotong-Liverpool University. Online, 20. Oktober, 2021

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  • Hauser, Christian; Jehan, Eleanor (2021): Firm size and the organizational response to supply chain responsibility issues. 81st Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management (AOM). Academy of Management. Online, 3. August, 2021

    Abstract: Concerns for responsible business practice have increased in the wake of supply chain scandals. Consequently, companies are increasingly held accountable not only for irresponsible business conduct within their own organisation but also by supply chain partners. In this light, companies implement controls to safeguard responsible business conduct within their international supply chain. Extant literature looks extensively at internal controls in isolation, with less of a focus on how supply chain partners can interact to ensure responsibility. Moreover, literature on the topic pays little attention to the organisational differences between small and medium size enterprises (SMEs) and their larger counterparts. Rather, extent literature places a heavy emphasis on formal controls favoured by large enterprises and tends to overlook the informal approaches taken by SMEs. With this in mind, the aim of the present paper is to propose a qualitative inductive framework based on contingency theory, illustrating how SMEs’ and larger companies’ responsibility-related control systems are organised. Based on the model, it becomes evident why the approaches used by SMEs and LEs to implement, promote and ensure responsible management throughout the international supply chain are often incompatible in practice and lead to conflicts.

    Export-Dateien: Citavi Endnote RIS ISI BibTeX WordXML

  • Hauser, Christian; Weichselbraun, Albert; Jehan, Eleanor; Schmid, Marco (2021): Internal integrity risk warning system (IIRWiS). Integrity Fund Meeting. Koenig & Bauer Banknote Solutions. Online, 29. März, 2021

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  • Bretti Rainalter, Jeanine; Hauser, Christian; Jehan, Eleanor; Milchev, Ilian (2020): Responsible Management in the International Value Creation Network. A literature review from an inter-community perspective. 7th Responsible Management Education Research Conference. Principles for Responsible Management Education (PRME). Chapter DACH. Fachhochschule Graubünden. Online, 20. Oktober, 2020

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  • Hauser, Christian; Jehan, Eleanor (2020): How do SMEs and large companies approach responsible management in their international supply chains?. A conceptual framework. 6. Forum Mittelstandsforschung. Universität Mannheim. Fakultät für Betriebswirtschaftslehre. Online, 16. November, 2020

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