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  • Rölke, Heiko; Weichselbraun, Albert (2023) : Ontologien und Linked Open Data In: Kuhlen, Rainer; Lewandowski, Dirk; Semar, Wolfgang; Womser-Hacker, Christa (Hg.): Grundlagen der Informationswissenschaft: 7., völlig neu gefasste Ausgabe: Berlin: De Gruyter, S. 257-269. Online verfügbar unter, zuletzt geprüft am 16.12.2022


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  • Rölke, Heiko; Bärenfaller, Katja (2023) : Von der Spu­ren­su­che im Ab­was­ser bis zur Grund­la­gen­for­schung für All­er­gi­en . Blog (FHGR Blog) . Online verfügbar unter , zuletzt geprüft am 02.02.2023


    Abstract: Seit drei Jahren arbeiten das Schweizerische Institut für Allergie- und Asthmaforschung (SIAF) in Davos und die Fachhochschule Graubünden im Zentrum für Datenanalyse, Visualisierung und Simulation (DAViS) eng zusammen. Dabei geht es etwa um Grundlagenforschung für Allergien, um Datenanalysen im Zusammenhang mit Covid-19 oder auch um Spurensuchen im Abwasser.

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  • Rölke, Heiko (2022): Aus unstrukturierten «Datenhalden» wertvolles Wissen gewinnen. In: Wissensplatz, S. 10-11. Online verfügbar unter, zuletzt geprüft am 10.02.2022


    Abstract: Seit diesem Semester herrscht noch mehr Betrieb an der FH Graubünden: Die ersten Studierenden haben das anspruchsvolle technische Bachelorstudium «Computational and Data Science» in Angriff genommen, in dessen Verlauf sie die Datenanalyse und -simulation in so unterschiedlichen Bereichen wie Finanzen, Naturwissenschaften und Medizin kennenlernen werden. Dieses neue Bachelorangebot wurde ihm Zuge der Umsetzung der Forschungsstrategie des Kantons Graubünden konzipiert und entwickelt.

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  • Rölke, Heiko (2022): DAViS-Team stellt Weltrekord in der Berechnung der Zahl Pi auf (Einblicke in die Forschung). Online verfügbar unter, zuletzt geprüft am 19.05.2022


    Abstract: Die genauste Berechnung der Kreiszahl Pi ist ein inoffizieller Benchmark (Richtgrösse) im Hochleistungsrechnen. Da die Kenntnis von Billionen von Stellen einer transzendenten Zahl keinen praktischen Nutzen hat, liegt der Sinn auch nicht in der genauen Kenntnis dieser Ziffernfolge, sondern im Weg, diese Ziffernfolge berechnen zu können.

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  • Staudt, Yves; Keller, Thomas; Rölke, Heiko; Burch, Michael (2022) : Pi - Das Wunder dieser Zahl In: Forster, Michael; Alt, Sharon; Hanselmann, Marcel; Deflorin, Patricia (Hg.): Digitale Transformation an der Fachhochschule Graubünden: Case Studies aus Forschung und Lehre: Chur: FH Graubünden Verlag, S. 111-118. Online verfügbar unter, zuletzt geprüft am 20.01.2023


    Abstract: Das Ziel in diesem Projekt war es, sich mit der praktischen Umsetzung von High Performance Computing und der Visualisierung von grossen Datenmengen vertraut zu machen. Zu diesem Zweck hat das Team die Zahl Pi auf eine Präzision von 62.8 Billionen Stellen berechnet. In einem weiteren Schritt haben wir in dieser Zahl nach Mustern gesucht, welche wir danach visualisiert haben.

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  • Barkow, Ingo; Rölke, Heiko (2020): Das erweiterte Potenzial von Bildungsdaten (Einblicke in die Forschung). Online verfügbar unter, zuletzt geprüft am 09.04.2021


    Abstract: Forschungsdaten zu Bildung und Lernen sind vielfältig. Doch wenn sie ohne eine Verknüp-fung isoliert für sich bleiben, kann ihr Potenzial nur eingeschränkt genutzt werden. Wir werden relevante Datensätze erkennen und zusammenführen und damit das Potenzial für wissenschaftliche Analysen erhöhen.

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  • Rölke, Heiko; Schmid, Marco (2020): Allergiedaten Analysieren. Analyzing allergy data. In: Information. Wissenschaft & Praxis 71, S. 326-330. Online verfügbar unter, zuletzt geprüft am 30.10.2020


    Abstract: Das Zentrum für Datenanalyse, Visualisierung und Simulation (DAViS) der Partner FH Graubünden und Schweizer Institut für Allergie- und Asthmaforschung bietet Unterstützung in allen Bereichen der Forschung und Anwendung von Maschinellen Lernverfahren, Big Data, Visualisierung und Simulation. Im Artikel wird exemplarisch an einem Forschungsprojekt die Analyse komplexer Daten aus dem Gesundheitsbereich dargestellt.

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  • Barkow, Ingo; Müller, Elham; Rölke, Heiko (2019): Computer-based Assessment aus Chur für die Schweiz – und darüber hinaus. In: Wissensplatz, S. 18-19. Online verfügbar unter, zuletzt geprüft am 14.02.2019


    Abstract: In länderübergreifenden und auch kleineren Vergleichsstudien, die von der Erziehungswissenschaft durchgeführt und von der Bildungspolitik genutzt werden, kommt immer mehr das computerbasierte Testen zum Einsatz. Für die im Auftrag der Erziehungsdirektorenkonferenz durchgeführte Studie zur Überprüfung der Grundkompetenzen, welche die Leistungen von Schülerinnen und Schülern in allen 26 Kantonen erheben soll, übernimmt die HTW Chur das Datenmanagement.

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  • Rölke, Heiko; Barkow, Ingo (2019): Fully Automated Assessment. ATP Innovations in Testing. Association of Test Publishers. Orlando, 18. März, 2019

    Abstract: Time has come to put the pieces together to automate the complete assessment cycle. Using modern computer science methods, it is possible to set up an assessment without any human intervention. We outline a proof-of-concept and demonstrate a prototype assessment in the session. Fully automated assessment (FAA) has a huge potential in different areas like self-assessment, screening, learning and other low-stake assessments. FAA is domain-independent (given some pre-requisites are fulfilled) and scales very well. The idea behind FAA is to automate all steps of the assessment cycle. Certain steps have already been handled elsewhere, like automated item generation (AIG) and computer-automated testing (CAT). Fewer publications can be found on aspects like automated test assembly of uncalibrated items and automated result evaluation or automated item calibration. In our work, we combine all steps to come to a truly unsupervised, fully automated assessment from start to end.

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  • Böhm, Peter; Schindler, Christoph; Rölke, Heiko; Rittberger, Marc (2017) : Limits and Potentials of Grasping User Interaction in Controlled and Open World Environments. Contrasting PIAAC Large-Scale-Assessment Usage Data with Web Analytics In: Gäde, Maria; Trkulja, Violeta; Petras, Vivien (Hg.): Everything changes, everything stays the same? Understanding information spaces: Proceedings: 15th International Symposium of Information Science (ISI): Berlin, 13. - 15. März: Glückstadt: vwh Verlag Werner Hülsbusch Fachverlag für Medientechnik und -wirtschaft (Schriften zur Informationswissenschaft), S. 374-376. Online verfügbar unter, zuletzt geprüft am 17.04.2020


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  • Upsing, Britta; Goldhammer, Frank; Schnitzler, Maya; Baumann, Robert; Johannes, Roland; Barkow, Ingo; Rölke, Heiko; Plichart, Patrick; Jadoul, Raynald; Henry, Christopher (2013) : Development of the Cognitive Items: Technical Report of the Survey of Adult Skills (PIAAC), Section 2. Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development: Paris. Online verfügbar unter, zuletzt geprüft am 27.11.2020


    Abstract: The implementation of the cognitive items for PIAAC faced several challenges. As stated before, PIAAC was the first international large-scale study to be conducted entirely on the computer. Therefore, existing link items from prior studies like IALS and ALL had to be converted from paper to computer. In addition, new items had to be developed both in literacy and numeracy to take advantage of the new possibilities of computer-based assessment. Further, an entirely new assessment domain, problem solving in technology-rich environments, was defined and items had to be developed. This was all done under a short timeframe in collaboration with participating countries that developed items on their own, as well as by combining item development teams from different countries. To cope with these challenges, a multifaceted approach was taken, reusing existing item development and test delivery software to the extent possible and developing easy-to-use new software to fill in the gaps.

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  • Rölke, Heiko (2010) : Automata and Petri Net Models for Visualizing and Analyzing Complex Questionnaires. A Case Study In: Duvigneau, Michael; Moldt, Daniel (Hg.): Proceedings of the International Workshop on Petri Nets and Software Engineering: PNSE'10: Braga, Portugal, 22. Juni. Universität Hamburg, Department Informatik (Berichte des Fachbereichs Informatik der Universität Hamburg), S. 111-124. Online verfügbar unter, zuletzt geprüft am 28.06.2021


    Abstract: Questionnaires for complex studies can grow to considerable sizes. Several hundred questions are not uncommon. In addition, routings are used to distinguish between question paths for different respondents. This leads to the question of how to ensure validity and other important properties. We examine this question for a case with even more demanding side conditions: An important part of the OECD study ”PIAAC” (Programme for the International Assessment of Adult Competencies) is a background questionnaire (BQ) containing more than 400 questions. This BQ has to be adapted by all participating countries. Nevertheless, integrity of the overall system has to be ensured.

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  • Rölke, Heiko (2009) : Modeling with Net References and Synchronous Channels In: Moldt, Daniel: Petri Nets and Software Engineering, International Workshop: Proceedings: PNSE'09: Paris, 22.-23. Juni. Universität Hamburg, Department Informatik (Technical Reports Université Paris 13), S. 151-171. Online verfügbar unter, zuletzt geprüft am 28.06.2021


    Abstract: Nets-within-nets offer some modeling possibilities which are not available (or only to a limited extent) in classical Petri nets formalisms like P/T nets or colored Petri nets. This holds especially true in the formalism of reference nets. The extended modeling possibilities arise from the newly come concepts, e.g. net instances generated at run-time and synchronization between transitions. This paper focuses on practical aspects of the new modeling possibilities - rather than theoretical backgrounds - and demonstrates them in practical examples. As a modeling language reference nets [7] are used. This is the only nets-within-nets formalism implemented up to now and with Renew [8] a powerful simulation tool-set is available. The examples presented throughout the paper can serve as an introduction to advanced modeling using reference nets.

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  • Cabac, Lawrence; Dörges, Till; Rölke, Heiko (2008) : A Monitoring Toolset for Paose In: van Hee, Kees M.; Valk, Rüdiger (Hg.): Applications and Theory of Petri Nets, 5062: 29th International Conference, ICATPN: Xi’an, China, 23.-27. Juni: Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg (Lecture Notes in Computer Science), S. 399-408


    Abstract: Paose (Petri net-based Agent-Oriented Software Engineering) combines the paradigm of AOSE (Agent-Oriented Software Engineering, see [10]) with the expressive power of Petri nets - reference nets [12] to be more precise. While AOSE is a powerful approach when it comes to designing and developing distributed (agent) applications, it does not address the problems specific to debugging, monitoring, and testing of these applications, i.e. no global state of the system and very dynamic operating conditions. To tackle these problems, two tools have been developed in the context of Paose, which are presented in this work. Firstly, this paper will give a short overview over the interrelated set of tools, which exists already and supports Petri net-based AOSE. The tools are centered around the Petri net-based multi-agent system development and runtime environment Renew / Mulan / Capa. Secondly, Mulan-Viewer and Mulan-Sniffer will be presented in more detail – two tools to address the issues encountered during debugging, monitoring, and testing agent applications. Both tools are first class members of the aforementioned family. The first tool, Mulan-Viewer, deals with the introspection of agents and agent behaviors, while it also offers rudimentary features for controlling the agent-system. The Mulan-Sniffer as the second tool places emphasis on tracing, visualizing, and analyzing communication between all parts of the multi-agent application and offers interfaces for more advanced methods of analysis, such as process mining. Both Mulan-Viewer and Mulan-Sniffer are realized as Renew plugins that can also be extended by other plugins.

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  • Farwer, Berndt; Jantzen, Matthias; Kudlek, Manfred; Rölke, Heiko; Zetzsche, Georg (2008): Petri Net Controlled Finite Automata. In: Fundamenta Informaticae 85, S. 111-121

    Abstract: We present a generalization of finite automata using Petri nets as control, called Concurrent Finite Automata for short. Several modes of acceptance, defined by final markings of the Petri net, are introduced, and their equivalence is shown. The class of languages obtained by –free concurrent finite automata contains both the class of regular sets and the class of Petri net languages defined by final marking, and is contained in the class of context-sensitive languages.

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  • Farwer, Berndt; Kudlek, Manfred; Rölke, Heiko (2007): Concurrent turing machines. In: Fundamenta Informaticae 79, S. 303-317

    Abstract: We define Concurrent Turing Machines (CTMs) as Turing machines with Petri nets as finite control. This leads to machines with arbitrary many tape heads, thus subsuming any class of (constant) k-head Turing machines. Space, time, and head complexity classes are introduced and discussed showing the difference of various acceptance conditions that are defined for CTMs. Nevertheless, we show that CTMs can be simulated by TMs. Concurrent Turing machines correspond to a class of multiset rewriting systems. The definition of a CTMs as a rewrite theory avoids the need for encoding multisets as words and using an equivalence relation on configurations. Multiset rewriting lends itself to be used in rewriting systems and tools like the rewriting engine Maude. For the rewriting system, a configuration is given by a varying sequence of strings and multisets.

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  • Farwer, Berndt; Jantzen, Matthias; Kudlek, Manfred; Rölke, Heiko; Zetzsche, Georg (2007) : On concurrent finite automata In: Czaja, Ludwik: Proceedings of the Workshop CS&P'2007: Concurrency Specification and Programming: September 2007, S. 180-190

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  • Franz, Timo; Voß, Stefan; Rölke, Heiko (2007) : Market-Mechanisms for Integrated Container Terminal Management: 6th International Conference on Computer Applications and Information Technology in the Maritime Industries: COMPIT'07, S. 234-248

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  • Köhler, Michael; Langer, Roman; von Lüde, Rolf; Moldt, Daniel; Rölke, Heiko; Valk, Rüdiger (2007): Socionic Multi-Agent Systems Based on Reflexive Petri Nets and Theories of Social Self-Organisation. In: Journal of Artificial Societies and Social Simulation 10. Online verfügbar unter, zuletzt geprüft am 28.06.2021


    Abstract: This contribution summarises the core results of the transdisciplinary ASKO project, part of the German DFG's programme Sozionik, which combines sociologists' and computer scientists' skills in order to create improved theories and models of artificial societies. Our research group has (a) formulated a social theory, which is able to explain fundamental mechanisms of self-organisation in both natural and artificial societies, (b) modelled this in a mathematical way using a visual formalism, and (c) developed a novel multi-agent system architecture which is conceptually coherent, recursively structured (hence non-eclectic) and based on our social theory. The article presents an outline of both a sociological middle-range theory of social self-organisation in educational institutions, its formal, Petri net based model, including a simulation of one of its main mechanisms, and the multi-agent system architecture SONAR. It describes how the theory was created by a re-analysis of some grand social theories, by grounding it empirically, and finally how the theory was evaluated by modelling its concepts and statements.

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  • Köhler, Michael; Rölke, Heiko (2007): Dynamic Transition Refinement. In: Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science 175, S. 119-134. Online verfügbar unter, zuletzt geprüft am 28.06.2021


    Abstract: Refinement of Petri nets is well suited for the hierarchical design of system models. It is used to represent a model at different levels of abstraction. Usually, refinement is a static concept. For many scenarios, however, it is desirable to have a more flexible form of refinement. For example in the context of service updates, e.g. version control in distributed systems, a mechanism for dynamic transition refinement is needed. The requirement of dynamic refinement at runtime is quite strong. Since we would like to redefine the system structure by itself, transition refinement cannot be implemented by a model transformation. Instead, an approach is needed which allows for dynamic net structures that can evolve as an effect of transitions firing. In previous work we introduced nets-within-nets as a formalism for the dynamic refinement of tokens. Here we consider an extension of nets-within-nets that uses special net tokens describing the refinement structure of transitions. Using this formalism it is possible to update refinements, introduce alternative refinements, etc. We present some formal properties of the extended formalism and introduce an example implementation for the tool Renew in the context of workflow modeling.

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  • Köhler, Michael; Rölke, Heiko (2007) : Web Service Orchestration with Super-Dual Object Nets In: Kleijn, Jetty; Yakovlev, Alex (Hg.): Applications and Theory of Petri Nets and Other Models of Concurrency, 4546: 28th International Conference, ICATPN: Siedlce, Poland, 25.-29. Juni: Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg (Lecture Notes in Computer Science), S. 263-280


    Abstract: Refinement of Petri nets is well suited for the hierarchical design of system models. It is used to represent a model at different levels of abstraction. Usually, refinement is a static concept. For some inherent dynamic domains as for example the modelling of web services, we need a more flexible form of refinement, e.g. to bind web services at run-time. Run-time binding allows for a flexible orchestration of services. The requirement of dynamic refinement at run-time is quite strong. Since we would like to redefine the system structure by itself, transition refinement cannot be implemented by a model transformation. Instead, an approach is needed which allows for dynamic net structures that can evolve as an effect of transitions firing. In previous work we introduced nets-within-nets as a formalism for the dynamic refinement of tokens. Here we consider an extension of nets-within-nets that uses special net tokens describing the refinement structure of transitions. Using this formalism it is possible to update refinements, introduce alternative refinements, etc. We present some formal properties of the extended formalism and introduce an example implementation for the tool Renew.

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  • Rölke, Heiko (2007): 3-D Petri nets. In: Petri Net Newsletter 72, S. 3-9

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  • Cabac, Lawrence; Dirkner, Ragna; Rölke, Heiko (2006) : Modelling Service Dependencies for the Analysis and Design of Multi-Agent Applications In: Moldt, Daniel: Proceedings of the Fourth International Workshop on Modelling of Objects, Components, and Agents: MOCA'06: Hamburg. Universität Hamburg, Department Informatik (Berichte des Fachbereichs Informatik der Universität Hamburg), S. 291-298

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  • Cabac, Lawrence; Duvigneau, Michael; Moldt, Daniel; Rölke, Heiko (2006) : Applying Multi-agent Concepts to Dynamic Plug-In Architectures In: Müller, Jörg P.; Zambonelli, Franco (Hg.): Agent-Oriented Software Engineering VI: 6th International Workshop, AOSE 2005: Utrecht, 25. Juli 2005: Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg (Lecture Notes in Computer Science), S. 190-204


    Abstract: In this work we present the basic concepts for a dynamic plug-in-based software architecture using concepts from the Petri net-based MAS framework Mulan. By transferring the concepts of agent-orientation to a plug-in-based architecture we are able to design our application and the plug-in-based system on an abstract level. Moreover, general problems that evolve from a highly dynamic and configurable architecture have been solved by basing the conceptual design on multi-agent principles. In this paper we discuss the general properties of extensible systems and the benefits that can be achieved when applying the multi-agent view to their architecture. In addition to the conceptual modeling of such architectures, we provide a practical example where the concept has been successfully applied in the development of the latest release of Renew. Through the introduction of the multi-agent concepts, the new architecture is now – at runtime – dynamically extensible by registering plug-ins with the management system.

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  • Cabac, Lawrence; Duvigneau, Michael; Rölke, Heiko (2006) : Net components revisited In: Moldt, Daniel: Proceedings of the Fourth International Workshop on Modelling of Objects, Components, and Agents: MOCA'06: Hamburg. Universität Hamburg, Department Informatik (Berichte des Fachbereichs Informatik der Universität Hamburg), S. 87-102

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  • Cabac, Lawrence; Knaak, Nicolas; Moldt, Daniel; Rölke, Heiko (2006) : Analysis of Multi-Agent Interactions with Process Mining Techniques In: Fischer, Klaus; Timm, Ingo J.; André, Elisabeth; Zhong, Ning (Hg.): Multiagent System Technologies: 4th German Conference, MATES 2006: Erfurt, 19.-20. September: Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg (Lecture Notes in Computer Science), S. 12-23


    Abstract: Process mining and multi-agent models are powerful techniques for the analysis of processes and organizations. However, the integration of both fields has seldom been considered due to the lack of common conceptual background. We propose to close this gap by using Petri nets as an operational semantics and consider process mining a useful addition to monitor and debug multi-agent systems in the development phase. Mining results can be represented in the formalized form of Petri nets that allows to validate or verify the actual behavior. On our way to mining complex interactions within (simulated) organizations, we present a plug-in extension of our Petri nets-based agent platform Mulan/Capa for recording interaction logs. Using process mining, the logs can be mapped by some intermediate steps to agent protocols e.g. represented as AgentUML interaction protocol diagrams. These diagrams are a descriptive representation form that combines organizational and control flow information. Furthermore, they can be mapped to executable Petri nets, thus allowing to feed mining results back into the design phase.

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  • Duvigneau, Michael; Rölke, Heiko; Wienberg, Frank (2006) : Informal Introduction to the Feature Structure Nets Tool. A Tool for Process and Information Modeling In: Moldt, Daniel: Proceedings of the 13th Workshop Application and Tools for Petri Nets: AWPN'06. Universität Hamburg, Department Informatik (Berichte des Fachbereichs Informatik der Universität Hamburg), S. 85-91

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  • Farwer, Berndt; Kudlek, Manfred; Rölke, Heiko (2006): Petri-Net-Controlled Machine Models. Hamburg (Berichte des Fachbereichs Informatik der Universität Hamburg)

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  • Farwer, Berndt; Kudlek, Manfred; Rölke, Heiko (2006) : Concurrent Turing Machines as Rewrite Theories: Proceedings of Concurrency, Specification, and Programming: CS&P'2006

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  • Köhler, Michael; Rölke, Heiko (2006): Properties of Super-Dual Nets. In: Fundamenta Informaticae 72, S. 245-254

    Abstract: Petri nets can be dualised by interchanging the role of places and transitions. This notion of duality is applicable only for unmarked Petri nets, since a marked place would be translated to a marked transition – which is meaningless – in the dual net. In this presentation we study the formalism of super-dual nets which are a generalisation of Petri nets. Super-dual nets allow for marked transitions also. The properties and the relation to other net formalism is studied.

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  • Köhler, Michael; Rölke, Heiko (2006) : Dynamic Transition Refinement In: Canal, Carlos; Viroli, Mirko (Hg.): Proceedings of the Workshop on Foundations of Coordination Languages and Software Architectures: FOCLASA: Málaga. University of Málaga. Department of Computer Science (Technical Report), S. 117-132

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  • Rölke, Heiko (2006) : 3-D Petrinetze In: Moldt, Daniel: Proceedings of the 13th Workshop Application and Tools for Petri Nets: AWPN'06. Universität Hamburg, Department Informatik (Berichte des Fachbereichs Informatik der Universität Hamburg), S. 75-78

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  • Rölke, Heiko; Wester-Ebbinghaus, Matthias (2006) : Agentenbasierte Petrinetzsimulation. Ein teambasierter Ansatz In: Moldt, Daniel: Proceedings of the 13th Workshop Application and Tools for Petri Nets: AWPN'06. Universität Hamburg, Department Informatik (Berichte des Fachbereichs Informatik der Universität Hamburg), S. 79-84

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  • Rölke, Heiko; Wester-Ebbinghaus, Matthias (2006) : Petri-net Based Team Modules for Collaborative Multi-agent Action In: Moldt, Daniel: Proceedings of the Fourth International Workshop on Modelling of Objects, Components, and Agents: MOCA'06: Hamburg. Universität Hamburg, Department Informatik (Berichte des Fachbereichs Informatik der Universität Hamburg), S. 245-266

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  • Cabac, Lawrence; Duvigneau, Michael; Köhler, Michael; Lehmann, Kolja; Moldt, Daniel; Offermann, Sven; Ortmann, Jan; Reese, Christine; Rölke, Heiko; Tell, Volker (2005) : PAOSE Settler Demo In: Moldt, Daniel: First Workshop on High-Level Petri Nets and Distributed Systems: PNDS: Hamburg, 14.-16. März. Universität Hamburg, Department Informatik

    Abstract: With the last four years four large student teaching projects have taken place. During these projects our approach to apply Petri nets in agent-oriented software engineering (AOSE) production has been sharpened. Within the projects different techniques, methods and tools as well as their conceptual and technical background have been developed and tried out. In this talk we will explain several of the underlying and hidden ideas, concepts and results of our work.

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  • Cabac, Lawrence; Duvigneau, Michael; Moldt, Daniel; Rölke, Heiko (2005) : Modeling Dynamic Architectures Using Nets-Within-Nets In: Ciardo, Gianfranco; Darondeau, Philippe (Hg.): Applications and Theory of Petri Nets 2005: Proceedings: 26th International Conference, ICATPN: Miami, USA, 20.-25. Juni: Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg (Lecture Notes in Computer Science), S. 148-167


    Abstract: Current modeling techniques are not well equipped to design dynamic software architectures. In this work we present the basic concepts for a dynamic architecture modeling using nets-within-nets. Nets-within-nets represent a powerful formalism that allows active elements, i.e. nets, to be nested in arbitrary and dynamically changeable hierarchies. Applying the concepts from nets-within-nets, therefore, allows us to model complex dynamic system architectures in a simple way, which enables us to design the system at different levels of abstractions using refinements of net models. Additionally to the conceptual modeling of such architecture, we provide a practical example where the concept has been successfully applied in the development of the latest release of Renew (Version 2 of the multi-formalism Petri net IDE). The overall monolithic architecture has been exchanged with a system that is divided into a plug-in management system and plug-in’s that provide functionality for the users. By combining plug-ins the system can be adapted to the users’ needs. Through the introduction of the Petri net concepts, the new architecture is now – at runtime – dynamically extensible by registering plug-ins with the management system. The introduced architecture is applicable for any kind of architecture but most suitable for applications with dynamic structure.

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  • Cabac, Lawrence; Duvigneau, Michael; Moldt, Daniel; Rölke, Heiko (2005) : Multi-agent concepts as basis for dynamic plug-in software architectures In: Pechoucek, Michal; Steiner, Donald; Thompson, Simon (Hg.): Proceedings of the fourth international joint conference on Autonomous agents and multiagent systems: AAMAS'05: Utrecht, 25.-29. Juli: New York, NY, USA: Association for Computing Machinery (ACM), S. 1157-1158. Online verfügbar unter, zuletzt geprüft am 30.06.2021


    Abstract: In this work we present the basic concepts for a dynamic plug-in-based software architecture using concepts from the Petri net-based MAS framework MULAN. By transferring the concepts of agent-orientation to a plug-in-based architecture we are able to design our application and the plug-in-based system on an abstract level. Moreover, general problems that evolve from a highly dynamic and configurable architecture have been solved by basing the conceptual design on multi-agent principles. The introduced concepts have been applied to the software architecture of the tool RENEW.

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  • Köhler, Michael; Moldt, Daniel; Rölke, Heiko; Valk, Rüdiger (2005) : Linking Micro and Macro Description of Scalable Social Systems Using Reference Nets In: Fischer, Klaus; Florian, Michael; Malsch, Thomas (Hg.): Socionics: Scalability of Complex Social Systems: Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg (Lecture Notes in Computer Science), S. 51-67


    Abstract: Socionics attempts to release the architecture of multi-agent systems from the restrictive micro perspective viewpoint by the integration of the macro perspective in order to arrive at innovative agent systems. This paper shows how central research topics of sociology and computer science can be combined, in order to arrive at innovative agent systems. In the context of sociology the duality of micro and macro elements is relevant, while recursiveness of models appears in the perspective of computer science. These two elements are unified in our work to the socionic multi-agent architecture Sonar. The formal model, on which the representation bases, is the recursive formalism of reference nets — an extension of Petri nets that permits to understand nets again as tokens. With the help of these nets first of all a compact implementation of the multi-agent architecture Mulan is designed, secondly it serves as a description language for the sociological model, which is the fundament of Sonar. The main result here is to present an architecture based on Mulan and Sonar allowing to cover the micro as well as the macro perspective in agent-oriented modelling. Doing so, we introduce a scalable model based on agent systems.

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  • Köhler, Michael; Rölke, Heiko (2005) : Reference and Value Semantics Are Equivalent for Ordinary Object Petri Nets In: Ciardo, Gianfranco; Darondeau, Philippe (Hg.): Applications and Theory of Petri Nets 2005: Proceedings: 26th International Conference, ICATPN: Miami, USA, 20.-25. Juni: Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg (Lecture Notes in Computer Science), S. 309-328


    Abstract: The concept of mobile agents imposes a great security risk for information systems. In this paper we propose object nets as a specification formalism for multi-agent systems. Since the general formalism is Turing-powerful not every analysis method that is common for Petri net can be applied. So, we define the subclass of “ordinary” object nets that allows for the application of standard P/T-net techniques, i.e. the computation of boundedness, liveness etc.

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  • Lehmann, Kolja; Cabac, Lawrence; Moldt, Daniel; Rölke, Heiko (2005) : Towards a Distributed Tool Platform Based on Mobile Agents In: Eymann, Torsten; Klügl, Franziska; Lamersdorf, Winfried; Klusch, Matthias; Huhns, Michael N. (Hg.): Multiagent System Technologies: MATES: Koblenz, 11.-13. September: Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg (Lecture Notes in Computer Science), S. 179-190


    Abstract: Nowadays many software development (SD) projects are placed in a distributed setting, concerning both the software itself and the resources, processes and actors needed to create or maintain the software. Therefore, tools and methods to support software engineering should be distributed as well. In a SD project many different actors play different roles, all interacting with one another. The software engineering paradigm most suited for this kind of organization in which autonomous actors act and interact is the paradigm of agent-oriented software development (AOSE). This article presents a MAS-based tool platform (cooperative infrastructure) which integrates different tools that are distributed over several agent platforms. The eventual goal of this platform is to create a distributed software development environment. This should easily allow interaction, coordination and cooperation between different participating parties in a software development process, by allowing them to communicate, negotiate, synchronize resources, etc. in a transparent, distributed and dynamic setting.

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  • Rölke, Heiko (2005) : Nette Tricks mit Netzen (in Netzen) In: Farwer, Berndt; Moldt, Daniel (Hg.): Object Petri Nets, Processes, and Object Calculi. Universität Hamburg, Department Informatik (Berichte des Fachbereichs Informatik der Universität Hamburg). Online verfügbar unter 71-82


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  • Köhler, Michael; Moldt, Daniel; Rölke, Heiko; Valk, Rüdiger (2004): Petri Nets and Social Science. In: Petri Net Newsletter 67, S. 5-9

    Abstract: We present the conceptual sociological patterns in this contribution derived from an intensive modelling process with sociologists. The general results in the area of modelling sociological theories, socionics, has been demonstrated: Following the main ideas of C. A. Petri causal dependencies have been modelled. One important sociological outcome of the project is the work of Roman Langer who provided, in parallel to our work in computer science, a thorough integration of sociological theories for the sociological community.

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  • Köhler, Michael; Rölke, Heiko; Valk, Rüdiger (2004) : Structural Analysis of Mobile Agents using Invariants of Object Nets In: Moldt, Daniel: Proceedings of the Third International Workshop on Modelling of Objects, Components, and Agents: MOCA'04: Aarhus, Denmark, 11.-13. Oktober. University of Aarhus, Department of Computer Science (DAIMI PB), S. 89-97. Online verfügbar unter, zuletzt geprüft am 13.10.2021


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  • Köhler, Michael; Rölke, Heiko (2004) : Coordination of Mobile Agents. The Bucket Chain-Example: Proceedings of the International Workshop on Coordination and Petri Nets: PNC 2004

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  • Köhler, Michael; Rölke, Heiko (2004) : Properties of Object Petri Nets In: Cortadella, Jordi; Reisig, Wolfgang (Hg.): Applications and Theory of Petri Nets 2004: 25th International Conference, ICATPN: Bologna, 21.-25. Juni: Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg (Lecture Notes in Computer Science), S. 278-297


    Abstract: In this presentation the structure of formalisms are studied that allow Petri nets as tokens. The relationship towards common Petri net models and decidability issues are studied. Especially for ”elementary object-net systems” defined by Valk [x] the decidability of the reachability and the boundedness problem is considered. It is shown that reachability becomes undecidable while boundedness remains decidable for elementary object-net systems. Furthermore it is shown that even for minimal extensions the formalism obtains the power of Turing machines.

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  • Kummer, Olaf; Wienberg, Frank; Duvigneau, Michael; Schumacher, Jörn; Köhler, Michael; Moldt, Daniel; Rölke, Heiko; Valk, Rüdiger (2004) : An Extensible Editor and Simulation Engine for Petri Nets: Renew In: Cortadella, Jordi; Reisig, Wolfgang (Hg.): Applications and Theory of Petri Nets 2004: 25th International Conference, ICATPN: Bologna, 21.-25. Juni: Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg (Lecture Notes in Computer Science), S. 484-493


    Abstract: Renew is a computer tool that supports the development and execution of object-oriented Petri nets, which include net instances, synchronous channels, and seamless Java integration for easy modelling. Renew is available free of charge including the Java source code. Due to the growing application area more and more requirements had to be fulfilled by the tool set. Therefore, the architecture of the tool has been refactored to gain more flexibility. Now new features allow for plug-ins on the level of concepts (net formalisms) and on the level of applications (e.g. workflow or agents).

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  • Rölke, Heiko (2004): Modellierung von Agenten und Multiagentensystemen. Grundlagen und Anwendungen. Zugl.: Hamburg, Univ., Dissertation, 2004. Berlin: Logos Verlag (Agent Technology. Theory and Application)

    Abstract: Gegenstand dieses Textes ist die Modellierung einzelner Agenten und von Agentensystemen mit dem Formalismus der Referenznetze. Referenznetze sind ein höherer Petrinetzformalismus, der Netze als aktive Marken zulässt. Die Modellierung geht von Grundprinzipien wie Kapselung und Autonomie aus, die jeder Agent umsetzen soll. Auf den so gewonnenen Grundmodellen wird aufgebaut und durch fortgesetzte Verfeinerung werden immer komplexere Agentenmodelle geschaffen, die gleichzeitig durch Beibehaltung der Grundstruktur noch die postulierten Prinzipien umsetzen. Elementare Überlegungen zur Beziehung von Agenten zu ihrer Umgebung führen im Anschluss zur Modellierung von Agentensystemen. Dabei wird ähnlich wie bei den einzelnen Agenten in Form schrittweiser Verfeinerung vorgegangen. Dieser Teil der Arbeit führt zu einem ausführbaren und zu den Standardisierungsvorschlägen der FIPA kompatiblen Agentensystem. Die Arbeit schließt mit der Vorstellung dreier Fallstudien, in denen die Agentenmodelle zur agentenorientierten Softwareentwicklung eingesetzt werden

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  • Cabac, Lawrence; Moldt, Daniel; Rölke, Heiko (2003) : A Proposal for Structuring Petri Net-Based Agent Interaction Protocols In: van der Aalst, Wil M.P.; Best, Eike (Hg.): Applications and Theory of Petri Nets 2003: 24th International Conference, ICATPN: Eindhoven, 23.-27. Juni: Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg (Lecture Notes in Computer Science), S. 102-120

    Abstract: In this paper we introduce net components as means for structuring Petri net-based agent interaction protocols. We provide a tool for effortless application of net components to nets. Thus we facilitate the construction of nets and unify their appearance. Net components can be used to derive code for interaction protocols from a subset of extended AUML (Agent Unified Modeling Language) interaction protocol diagrams. This allows for a smooth integration of some traditional software development specification approaches with high-level Petri nets. By using net components we do not only unify the structure of Mulan agent protocols but also succeed to build a common language within a community of developers who share the net components.

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  • Duvigneau, Michael; Moldt, Daniel; Rölke, Heiko (2003) : Concurrent Architecture for a Multi-agent Platform In: Giunchiglia, Fausto; Odell, James; Weiß, Gerhard (Hg.): Agent-Oriented Software Engineering III: 3rd International Workshop, AOSE 2002: Bologna, 15. Juli 2002: Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg (Lecture Notes in Computer Science), S. 59-72

    Abstract: A multi-agent system has a high degree of concurrency. Petri nets are a well-established means for the description of concurrent systems. Reference nets are higher level, object-oriented Petri nets. With Renew (REference NEt Workshop), there exists a tool to model and execute reference nets with seamless Java integration. So, reference nets can be used to design executable multi-agent systems while hiding the sometimes annoying details of concurrent implementations in traditional programming languages. The technique is currently used to implement a FIPA-compliant agent platform for multi-agent systems (called CAPA) focused on retaining a maximum level of concurrency in the system.

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  • Köhler, Michael; Moldt, Daniel; Rölke, Heiko; Valk, Rüdiger (2003): Structuring of Complex Socionic Systems using Reference Nets. Hamburg (Berichte des Fachbereichs Informatik der Universität Hamburg)

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  • Köhler, Michael; Rölke, Heiko (2003): Concurrency in Mobile Object Net Systems. In: Fundamenta Informaticae 54, S. 221-235

    Abstract: In this work we present the model of "mobile object net systems" -- an algebraic formalisation of the "nets within nets"-paradigm. The formalism of "mobile object nets" is well suited to express the dynamics of open, mobile systems, since it allows tokens to be active. The algebraic theory of "mobile object net systems" covers an integrated view of the two major topics concurrency and locality, which are central in the area of mobile computing. As a main result of this contribution, we derive an algebraic model in the "Petri nets are monoids" style. It is shown, that mobile object net systems are a conservative extension of the Petri net formalism.

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  • Köhler, Michael; Langer, Roman; Moldt, Daniel; Rölke, Heiko (2003) : Pierre Bourdieu: Praxis, Kapital,Habitus In: von Lüde, Rolf; Moldt, Daniel; Valk, Rüdiger (Hg.): Sozionik: Modellierung soziologischer Theorie: Münster, Hamburg, London: Lit-Verlag (Wirtschaft - Arbeit - Technik. Perspektiven gesellschaftlichen Wandels), S. 105-137

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  • Köhler, Michael; Langer, Roman; Moldt, Daniel; Rölke, Heiko; Spresny, Daniela (2003) : Universität Mitteldorf: Ein Modell universitärer Entscheidungsfindung In: von Lüde, Rolf; Moldt, Daniel; Valk, Rüdiger (Hg.): Sozionik: Modellierung soziologischer Theorie: Münster, Hamburg, London: Lit-Verlag (Wirtschaft - Arbeit - Technik. Perspektiven gesellschaftlichen Wandels), S. 213-237

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  • Köhler, Michael; Langer, Roman; Rölke, Heiko (2003) : Sozionisches Modellieren mit Petrinetzen. Ein kommentiertes Protokoll In: von Lüde, Rolf; Moldt, Daniel; Valk, Rüdiger (Hg.): Sozionik: Modellierung soziologischer Theorie: Münster, Hamburg, London: Lit-Verlag (Wirtschaft - Arbeit - Technik. Perspektiven gesellschaftlichen Wandels), S. 293-315

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  • Köhler, Michael; Langer, Roman; Rölke, Heiko; Valk, Rüdiger (2003) : Machtmonopole und soziale Kontrolle. Modellierungen zu Norbert Elias In: von Lüde, Rolf; Moldt, Daniel; Valk, Rüdiger (Hg.): Sozionik: Modellierung soziologischer Theorie: Münster, Hamburg, London: Lit-Verlag (Wirtschaft - Arbeit - Technik. Perspektiven gesellschaftlichen Wandels), S. 47-82

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  • Köhler, Michael; Martens, Marcel; Rölke, Heiko (2003) : Modelling Social Behaviour with Petri net based Multi-Agent Systems: Modelling Artificial Societies and Hybrid Organisations (MASHO'03) at the KI'2003: MASHO'03

    Abstract: An important issue regarding the deeper understanding of social and organisational phenomena is the interaction and the linkage between micro and macro layers. The micro-macro-link deals with the emergent aggregation of processes and actions on the micro-level and with structures, rules and roles on the macro-level. This paper presents recent results of the «socionics» project ASKO, which is a fusion of sociology and computer science. Due to the interdisciplinary character of our project we use a graphical representation of our models: a special dialect of high-level Petri nets, namely reference nets, has been chosen, since it offers a simple and executable representation with a clear mathematical foundation.

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  • Köhler, Michael; Moldt, Daniel; Rölke, Heiko (2003) : A Discussion of Social Norms with Respect to the Micro-Macro Link In: Lindemann, Gabriela; Moldt, Daniel; Paolucci, Mario (Hg.): Proceedings of the Second International Workshop on Regulated Agent-Based Social Systems: Theories and Applications (RASTA'03): In Verbindung mit: The Ninth International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Law (ICAIL 2003): Edinburgh, 24.-28. Juni

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  • Köhler, Michael; Moldt, Daniel; Rölke, Heiko (2003) : Eine sozionische Agentenarchitektur In: von Lüde, Rolf; Moldt, Daniel; Valk, Rüdiger (Hg.): Sozionik: Modellierung soziologischer Theorie: Münster, Hamburg, London: Lit-Verlag (Wirtschaft - Arbeit - Technik. Perspektiven gesellschaftlichen Wandels), S. 347-369

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  • Köhler, Michael; Moldt, Daniel; Rölke, Heiko (2003) : Modelling Mobility and Mobile Agents Using Nets within Nets In: van der Aalst, Wil M.P.; Best, Eike (Hg.): Applications and Theory of Petri Nets 2003: 24th International Conference, ICATPN: Eindhoven, 23.-27. Juni: Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg (Lecture Notes in Computer Science), S. 121-139


    Abstract: Mobility creates a new challenge for dynamic systems in all phases of the life cycle, like modelling, execution, and verification. In this work we apply the paradigm of “nets within nets” to this area since it is well suited to express the dynamics of open, mobile systems. The advantages of Petri nets — intuitive graphical representation and formal semantics — are retained and supplemented with a uniform way to model mobility and mobile (agent) systems. First the modelling of mobility is introduced in general, the results are carried forward to model mobility in the area of agent systems. The usefulness of the approach is shown in a second step by modelling a small case study, the implementation of a household robot system.

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  • Köhler, Michael; Moldt, Daniel; Rölke, Heiko (2003) : Strukturdynamik als Grundlage zur Modellierung und Simulation menschlichen Verhaltens In: Burkhard, H.-D.; Uthmann, T.; Lindemann, Gabriela (Hg.): Workshop "Modellierung und Simulation menschlichen Verhaltens". Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin. Institut für Informatik (HU Informatik-Berichte)

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  • Köhler, Michael; Moldt, Daniel; Rölke, Heiko; Spresny, Daniela (2003) : Handlung und Struktur. Modellierung von Akteurmodellen In: von Lüde, Rolf; Moldt, Daniel; Valk, Rüdiger (Hg.): Sozionik: Modellierung soziologischer Theorie: Münster, Hamburg, London: Lit-Verlag (Wirtschaft - Arbeit - Technik. Perspektiven gesellschaftlichen Wandels), S. 139-172

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  • Köhler, Michael; Rölke, Heiko (2003) : Ein sozionisches Mikro-Makro-Modell. Ein Rahmenkonzept zur Bearbeitung des Skalierungsproblems In: von Lüde, Rolf; Moldt, Daniel; Valk, Rüdiger (Hg.): Sozionik: Modellierung soziologischer Theorie: Münster, Hamburg, London: Lit-Verlag (Wirtschaft - Arbeit - Technik. Perspektiven gesellschaftlichen Wandels), S. 317-345

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  • Köhler, Michael; Rölke, Heiko (2003) : Einführung in Petrinetz-Modellierung In: von Lüde, Rolf; Moldt, Daniel; Valk, Rüdiger (Hg.): Sozionik: Modellierung soziologischer Theorie: Münster, Hamburg, London: Lit-Verlag (Wirtschaft - Arbeit - Technik. Perspektiven gesellschaftlichen Wandels), S. 371-392

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  • Köhler, Michael; Rölke, Heiko (2003) : Modelling Sandboxes for Mobile Agents using Nets within Nets In: Busi, N.; Martinelli, F. (Hg.): Workshop on Issues in Security and Petri Nets at the International Conference on Application and Theory of Petri Nets 2003: WISP'03: Eindhoven, Juni. University of Eindhoven

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  • Köhler, Michael; von Lüde, Rolf; Rölke, Heiko; Spresny, Daniela (2003) : Machtspiele strategischer Akteure. Ein mikropolitisches Organisationsmodell In: von Lüde, Rolf; Moldt, Daniel; Valk, Rüdiger (Hg.): Sozionik: Modellierung soziologischer Theorie: Münster, Hamburg, London: Lit-Verlag (Wirtschaft - Arbeit - Technik. Perspektiven gesellschaftlichen Wandels), S. 83-103

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  • Kummer, Olaf; Wienberg, Frank; Duvigneau, Michael; Köhler, Michael; Moldt, Daniel; Rölke, Heiko (2003) : Renew. The Reference Net Workshop In: Verbeek, Eric: Tool Demonstrations: 24th International Conference on Application and Theory of Petri Nets (ATPN 2003). International Conference on Business Process Management (BPM 2003).: Eindhoven, 23.-27. Juni. Department of Technology Management, Technische Universiteit Eindhoven, Beta Research School for Operations Management and Logistics, S. 99-102

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  • Moldt, Daniel; Rölke, Heiko (2003) : Pattern Based Workflow Design Using Reference Nets In: van der Aalst, Wil M.P.; Weske, Mathias (Hg.): Business Process Management: International Conference, BPM: Eindhoven, 26.-27. Juni: Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg (Lecture Notes in Computer Science), S. 246-260


    Abstract: The development of workflow applications requires satisfactory concepts and tools. Workflow patterns cover the conceptual part. To base the patterns on high-level Petri nets allows for the tight integration of the modelling editor with the actual execution engine. The development process of workflow applications gains from this. We propose to use Reference nets as the modelling technique, Renew as the basic execution engine, and our workflow modelling tool for the design of workflows. The latter is a plug-in for the Renew editor, which is based on the use of workflow patterns. The development process is based on prototyping.

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  • Reese, Christine; Duvigneau, Michael; Köhler, Michael; Rölke, Heiko (2003) : Agent-based Settler Game: Proceedings of Agentcities Agent Technology Competition (ATC03): Agentcities.NET: Barcelona, Februar

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  • Hinck, Daniela; Köhler, Michael; Langer, Roman; Moldt, Daniel; Rölke, Heiko (2002): Modellierungen und Reanalysen zur Habitus-Feld Theorie von Pierre Bourdieu. Hamburg (Arbeitsberichte des Forschungsprogramms: Agieren in sozialen Kontexten)

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  • Hinck, Daniela; Köhler, Michael; Langer, Roman; Moldt, Daniel; Rölke, Heiko (2002): Soziologische Grundlagen des Handelns modelliert mit Petrinetzen. Akteurmodelle. Hamburg (Arbeitsberichte des Forschungsprogramms: Agieren in sozialen Kontexten)

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  • Köhler, Michael; Moldt, Daniel; Rölke, Heiko (2002): Liveness Preserving Composition of Behaviour Protocols for Petri Net Agents. Hamburg (Arbeitsberichte des Forschungsprogramms: Agieren in sozialen Kontexten)

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  • Köhler, Michael; Rölke, Heiko (2002) : Mobile Object Net Systems. Concurrency and Mobility In: Burkhard, H.-D.; Czaja, Ludwik; Lindemann, Gabriela; Skowron, A.; Starke, P. (Hg.): Proceedings of the Workshop CS&P'2002: Concurrency Specification and Programming

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  • Köhler, Michael; Rölke, Heiko (2002) : Modelling mobility and mobile agents using nets within nets In: Moldt, Daniel: Proceedings of the Second International Workshop on Modelling of Objects, Components, and Agents: MOCA'02: Aarhus, Denmark, 26.-27. August. University of Aarhus, Department of Computer Science (DAIMI PB), S. 141-157. Online verfügbar unter, zuletzt geprüft am 13.10.2021


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  • Köhler, Michael; Rölke, Heiko (2002) : Modelling of social theories In: Lindemann, Gabriela; Moldt, Daniel; Paolucci, Mario; Yu, Bin (Hg.): Proceedings of the International Workshop on Regulated Agent-Based Social Systems: Theories and Applications (RASTA'02) as part of AAMAS 2002: RASTA'02. Universität Hamburg, Department Informatik: Hamburg (Arbeitsberichte des Forschungsprogramms: Agieren in sozialen Kontexten)

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  • Köhler, Michael; Rölke, Heiko (2002) : Modelling the Micro-Macro-Link. Towards a Sociologically Grounded Design of Multi-Agent Systems In: Jonker, C.; Lindemann, Gabriela; Panzarasa, P. (Hg.): Proceedings of the Workshop Modelling Artificial Societies and Hybrid Organization (MASHO'02), at the 25th German Conference on Artificial Intelligence (KI'2002): MASHO'02: Aachen, 16.-20. September: Hamburg

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  • Hinck, Daniela; Köhler, Michael; Langer, Roman; Moldt, Daniel; Rölke, Heiko (2001): Akteurstheoretische Betrachtungen organisationaler Handlungen. Hamburg (Arbeitsberichte des Forschungsprogramms: Agieren in sozialen Kontexten)

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  • Hinck, Daniela; Köhler, Michael; Langer, Roman; Moldt, Daniel; Rölke, Heiko (2001): Bourdieus Habitus-Konzept als prägendes Strukturelement für Multiagentensysteme. Hamburg (Arbeitsberichte des Forschungsprogramms: Agieren in sozialen Kontexten)

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  • Hinck, Daniela; Köhler, Michael; Langer, Roman; Moldt, Daniel; Rölke, Heiko (2001): Organisation etablierter Machtzentren. Modellierungen und Reanalysen zu Norbert Elias. Hamburg (Arbeitsberichte des Forschungsprogramms: Agieren in sozialen Kontexten)

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  • Hinck, Daniela; Köhler, Michael; Langer, Roman; Moldt, Daniel; Rölke, Heiko (2001): Stellenstreichungen an der Universität Mitteldorf. Hamburg (Arbeitsberichte des Forschungsprogramms: Agieren in sozialen Kontexten)

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  • Hinck, Daniela; Köhler, Michael; Langer, Roman; Moldt, Daniel; Rölke, Heiko (2001) : Modelling a Sociological Case Study In: Jonker, C.; Lindemann, Gabriela; Castelfranchi, C. (Hg.): Modelling Artificial Societies and Hybrid Organisations (MASHO'01): MASHO'01: Hamburg

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  • Köhler, Michael; Rölke, Heiko (2001): Petrinetze als Darstellungstechnik in der Soziologie. In: Sozionik aktuell. Online verfügbar unter, zuletzt geprüft am 13.10.2021


    Abstract: In dieser Arbeit stellen wir dar, inwieweit die Petrinetztheorie mit ihren Konzepten einen Beitrag zur Beschreibung soziologischer Phänomene leisten kann und wie sie im DFG-Projekt "Agieren in sozialen Kontexten" (ASKO) zur Fundierung der vom ASKO-Projekt entwickelten Architektur eines sozionischen Agentensystems grundlegend eingesetzt wird.

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  • Köhler, Michael; Moldt, Daniel; Rölke, Heiko (2001) : Einheitliche Modellierung von Agenten und Agentensystemen mit Referenznetzen In: Jablonski, S.; Kirn, S.; Plaha, M.; Sinz, E.; Ulbrich-vom Ende, A.; Weiß, G. (Hg.): Tagungsunterlagen: Verteilte Informationssysteme auf der Grundlage von Objekten, Komponenten und Agenten: vertIS 2001: Bamberg, 4-5. Oktober. Universität Bamberg, S. 3-20

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  • Köhler, Michael; Moldt, Daniel; Rölke, Heiko (2001) : Modelling the Structure and Behaviour of Petri Net Agents In: Goos, Gerhard; Hartmanis, Juris; van Leeuwen, Jan; Colom, José-Manuel; Koutny, Maciej (Hg.): Applications and Theory of Petri Nets 2001: 22nd International Conference, ICATPN: Newcastle upon Tyne, UK, 25.-29. Juni: Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg (Lecture Notes in Computer Science), S. 224-241


    Abstract: This work proposes a way to model the structure and behaviour of agents in terms of executable coloured Petri net protocols. Structure and behaviour are not all aspects of agent based computing: agents need a world to live in (mostly divided into platforms), they need a general structure (e.g. including a standard interface for communication) and their own special behaviour. Our approach tackles all three parts in terms of Petri nets. This paper skips the topic of agent platforms and handles the agent structure briefly to introduce a key concept of our work: the graphical modelling of the behaviour of autonomous and adaptive agents. A special kind of coloured Petri nets is being used throughout the work: reference nets. Complex agent behaviour is achieved via dynamic composition of simpler sub-protocols, a task that reference nets are especially well suited for. The inherent concurrency of Petri nets is another point that makes it easy to model agents: multiple threads of control are (nearly) automatically implied in Petri nets.

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  • Köhler, Michael; Rölke, Heiko (2001) : A/C Petri nets. Assumption based modelling and reasoning In: Juhas, Gabriel; Lorenz, Robert (Hg.): Proceedings des 8. Workshop Algorithmen und Werkzeuge für Petrinetze: AWPN. Universität Eichstätt, S. 43-48

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  • Köhler, Michael; Rölke, Heiko (2001) : Towards a Unified Approach for Modeling and Verification of Multi Agent Systems In: Moldt, Daniel: Proceedings of the Workshop on Modelling of Objects, Components, and Agents: MOCA'01: Aarhus, Denmark, 27.-28. August. University of Aarhus, Department of Computer Science (DAIMI PB), S. 85-104. Online verfügbar unter, zuletzt geprüft am 13.10.2021


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  • Hinck, Daniela; Köhler, Michael; Langer, Roman; Moldt, Daniel; Rölke, Heiko (2000): Akteurstheoretische Betrachtungen organisationaler Handlungen. Beitrag auf dem Workshop Sozionik 2000. Hamburg (Arbeitsberichte des Forschungsprogramms: Agieren in sozialen Kontexten)

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  • Köhler, Michael; Langer, Roman; Moldt, Daniel; Rölke, Heiko (2000) : Combining the Sociological Theory of Bourdieu with Multi Agent Systems In: Jonker, C.; Letia, A.; Lindemann, Gabriela; Uthmann, T. (Hg.): 14th European Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Workshop Modelling Artificial Societies and Hybrid Organization, ECAI Workshop Notes: 14th ECAI; Workshop MASHO

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  • Kummer, Olaf; Laue, Annette; Liedtke, Matthias; Moldt, Daniel; Rölke, Heiko (2000) : Höhere Petrinetze zur kompakten Modellierung und Implementierung von Verhalten In: Giese, Holger; Philippi, Stephan (Hg.): Visuelle Verhaltensmodellierung verteilter und nebenläufiger Software-Systeme: 8.Workshop des Arbeitskreises GROOM der GI Fachgruppe 2.1.9 Objektorientierte Software-Entwicklung: Münster, 13.-14. November. Universität Münster, S. 27-32

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  • Moldt, Daniel; Rölke, Heiko (2000) : Verhaltensmodellierung von Petrinetz-Agenten In: Giese, Holger; Philippi, Stephan (Hg.): Visuelle Verhaltensmodellierung verteilter und nebenläufiger Software-Systeme: 8.Workshop des Arbeitskreises GROOM der GI Fachgruppe 2.1.9 Objektorientierte Software-Entwicklung: Münster, 13.-14. November. Universität Münster, S. 92-97

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  • Moldt, Daniel; Rölke, Heiko (1999) : Generation of Executable Object-based Petri Net Skeletons Using Design/CPN In: Jensen, Kurt: Second Workshop on Practical Use of Coloured Petri Nets and Design/CPN: Aarhus, Denmark, 13.-15. Oktober. University of Aarhus, Department of Computer Science (DAIMI PB), S. 59-78. Online verfügbar unter, zuletzt geprüft am 13.10.2021


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  • Rölke, Heiko (1999): Modellierung und Implementation eines Multi-Agenten-Systems auf der Basis von Referenznetzen. Diplomarbeit. Universität Hamburg, Hamburg. Fachbereich Informatik.

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  • Rölke, Heiko (1999): Transformation von Klassendiagrammen in Objekt-Orientierte Petrinetze unter besonderer Berücksichtigung von Assoziationen. Studienarbeit. Universität Hamburg, Hamburg. Fachbereich Informatik.

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  • Maier, Christoph; Moldt, Daniel; Rölke, Heiko (1998) : SNIFF: An Input/Output Library for Design/CPN In: Jensen, Kurt: Workshop on Practical Use of Coloured Petri Nets and Design/CPN: Aarhus, Denmark, 10.-12. Juni. University of Aarhus, Department of Computer Science (DAIMI PB), S. 65-82. Online verfügbar unter, zuletzt geprüft am 13.10.2021


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